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[FilterScript] [HUN/ENG] 3D Text Label Creator - Printable Version

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[HUN/ENG] 3D Text Label Creator - [HUN]Poldzsiii - 25.07.2011

Hey all!
Yesterday me making an 3D text creator.
Command: /textlerak
All in dialog. Saving to an file.
Download english version:


A mai nap folyamбn kйszнtettem egy 3D text kйszнtő filterscriptet.

Hasznбlat:[list type=decimal]
[li]Odamegyьnk ahova le szeretnйnk tenni a 3D textet.[/li]
[li]Beнrjuk a /textlerak parancsot.[/li]
[li]Kivбlasztjuk a nekьnk megfelelő szнnt[/li]
[li]Beнrjuk hogy mi is legyen a 3D text szцvege[/li]
[li]Kiнrja fбjlba a script. Йs kйszen is van a 3D text. Innentől be is tehetjьk a jбtйkmуdunkba.[/li][/list]
Telepнtйs:[list type=decimal]
[li]Lйtrehozunk egy Textek.txt fбjlt a szerver scriptfiles mappбjбban.[/li]
[li]Berakjuk a scriptet a filterscripts mappбba.[/li]
[li]Beleнrjuk a server.cfg fбjlba a scriptet.: filterscripts textd[/li]
[li]Elindнtjuk(Ъjraindнtjuk) a szervert[/li]
[li]Kйszen is van[/li][/list]

Re: [HUN/ENG] 3D Text Label Creator - Kobra13 - 25.07.2011

Nice work bro. Awesome!

Re: [HUN/ENG] 3D Text Label Creator - jana4 - 25.07.2011

Nice work.

you're ---> your.
you're mean you are.

Re: [HUN/ENG] 3D Text Label Creator - raptamas - 25.07.2011

kemeny vagy

Re: [HUN/ENG] 3D Text Label Creator - N@rbirock - 29.10.2011

ьgyes Gumikacsa

Re: [HUN/ENG] 3D Text Label Creator - Kazuo - 09.11.2011

how to delete it ?

Re: [HUN/ENG] 3D Text Label Creator - ShOoBy - 09.11.2011

Well yea, I looked inside and it looks preety much the same as mine . Just that it hasn't Color Select.
Look here is mine : Here (Click) ... sooo ... did you taked it from me and editted it?

Re: [HUN/ENG] 3D Text Label Creator - Kostas' - 09.11.2011

If he did, atleast he could give Credit

Re: [HUN/ENG] 3D Text Label Creator - Dredd - 09.11.2011

good job!

Re: [HUN/ENG] 3D Text Label Creator - N@rbirock - 12.01.2012

nem jу a link