Chatbox Bottom Right corner... -
LSGW - 24.07.2011
ye just a simple suggestion. Make the F7 ... add.. a toggle so it places the chatbox on bottom right corner of screen instead of top left corner... lookin up hurts my eyes :/ and would just be kinda cool to be able to move it.. .maybe left/right bottom/left/right w/e ur preference is...
Re: Chatbox Bottom Right corner... -
[nL]W0rfleR - 24.07.2011
You can make a chatbox your self.
Here is some released scripts.
Re: Chatbox Bottom Right corner... -
ev0lution - 24.07.2011
Originally Posted by DJKillz
You can make a chatbox your self.
You can't make your own client chatbox which applies to every server to join.
Re: Chatbox Bottom Right corner... -
[nL]W0rfleR - 24.07.2011
as in script, you can. just like the ones i have listed above.
Re: Chatbox Bottom Right corner... -
ev0lution - 24.07.2011
Originally Posted by DJKillz
as in script, you can. just like the ones i have listed above.
Re-read what I previously posted, and pay particular attention to the word
If I'm somehow wrong and those scripts do indeed modify your client-side chatbox for use on every server you join, please do elaborate...
Re: Chatbox Bottom Right corner... -
LSGW - 25.07.2011
im aware there was a filterscript made for it(no thx)... but evolution seems to understand me -_- i know there is a ... program u can use to change like.. ap/hp colors and ..gui colors in samp.dll ..... that chatbox preference doesnt seem to be impossible...