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Command will not output on to the IRC channel - Printable Version

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Command will not output on to the IRC channel - Lorenc_ - 23.07.2011

Hello everyone, I've been coding stuff for the IRC system in my gm, i tried having IRC_GroupSay on OnPlayerText though seems to be somethings wrong with the function...

pawn Код:
CMD:irc(playerid, params[])
    new msg[128], string[256];
    if(sscanf(params, "s[128]", msg)) SendUsage(playerid, "/irc [message]");
        format(string, sizeof(string), "%s(%d): %s", ReturnPlayerName(playerid), playerid, msg);
        IRC_GroupSay(gGroupID, IRC_CHANNEL, string);
        SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "(IRC) IRC message sent!");
    return 1;
I went in-game and typed this command but the IRC channel didn't recieve anything, does anyone know some cure for this problem?

Thanks, Lorenc_

Re: Command will not output on to the IRC channel - Famalamalam - 23.07.2011

Try using IRC_Say instead.. see what happens?

Re: Command will not output on to the IRC channel - Lorenc_ - 23.07.2011

The parameters of 'IRC_Say' are:
pawn Код:
IRC_Say(botid, const target[], const msg[]);
Group say is to have it send to everyone in the channel though it wouldn't work :@

Re: Command will not output on to the IRC channel - linuxthefish - 23.07.2011

You need to but the bot in the channel group or something, take a look at the sample FS

Re: Command will not output on to the IRC channel - Lorenc_ - 23.07.2011

I had that already, basically copied the settings and stuff from the irc.pwn file given when the plugin is downloaded, I just re-wrote commands and they seem to not work, not sure why

Re: Command will not output on to the IRC channel - Famalamalam - 23.07.2011

What is Beep?

Re: Command will not output on to the IRC channel - Donya - 23.07.2011

Originally Posted by Lorenc_
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The parameters of 'IRC_Say' are:
pawn Код:
IRC_Say(botid, const target[], const msg[]);
Group say is to have it send to everyone in the channel though it wouldn't work :@
const target[] can be channel too.

is the bot even in the channel? try voicing it

Re: Command will not output on to the IRC channel - Lorenc_ - 24.07.2011

Originally Posted by Donya
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const target[] can be channel too.

is the bot even in the channel? try voicing it
The IRC command works though for some reason now, !say wont work.

The other bot randomly timeouts, what can be the cause of this?

pawn Код:
public IRC_OnJoinChannel(botid, channel[])
    IRC_SendRaw(botid, "ns identify ******");
    return 1;