What features attract you in a Roleplay Server? -
Jack_Leslie - 23.07.2011
As an owner of a Roleplay Server, it's always nice to know exactly what features a player gets attracted to. Not the gamemode it's self, but the features within it, for example the factions? gangs? dealerships? etc. etc.
Post exactly what attracts you! This will help other Servers with the development of their Server!
Re: What features attract you in a Roleplay Server? -
Steven82 - 23.07.2011
Not making topics like this.
Re: What features attract you in a Roleplay Server? -
SergiKirov - 23.07.2011
Originally Posted by Steven82
Not making topics like this.
exactly this.
Re: What features attract you in a Roleplay Server? -
linuxthefish - 23.07.2011
Global Chat, not having to /do and /attempt my ass off.
Originally Posted by Steven82
Not making topics like this.
and this!
Re: What features attract you in a Roleplay Server? -
AmyX - 23.07.2011
- Not having to /enter, /buy, /exit, /rent.
- Having a fun server, not ridiculous amount of stupid things...
- Not using real time
- Not having absolutely NO cars for the first 20 minutes.
Re: What features attract you in a Roleplay Server? -
kingchandio - 23.07.2011
Of course user friendly game mode heaving useful commands,
Consider on being so friendly and helpful for players , listen to them and help them.
Help them immediatly when they ask questions and reports.
Must be active on forums too
Dont punish players and jail for too much time.
Re: What features attract you in a Roleplay Server? -
davve95 - 25.07.2011
I bee very bored on rp servers...
Re: What features attract you in a Roleplay Server? -
Skylar Paul - 25.07.2011
The one features that attracts me in a roleplay server? Not being a roleplay server.
Re: What features attract you in a Roleplay Server? -
leong124 - 25.07.2011
A complete transport network for the cities you want to play.
Re: What features attract you in a Roleplay Server? -
rbN. - 25.07.2011
Well, the most thing why I (and much players) really get
BORED of RolePlaying is because of this:
#1 You can't do anything as a newbie. I mean, when you enter a vehicle, on most RP servers you'll see a message saying: "This vehicle needs keys" or "This vehicle is for Police only". It's not even real anyways. Like if you get kicked out by nobody and then a message comes 'This vehicle is for Police only'. Atleast make it so you can steal the car.
#2 Endless walking if #1 doesnt get implented.
#3 Make it more with keys. On most RP servers you need to put on your engine. That's okay, but you have to type this command everytime you enter a vehicle. Why don't you just put it on ALT key or something?
Too much freaking rules. Like, if you hit somebody, you get jailed for 20 minutes. You need to roleplay everything you do. It's so lame. Like, those thing with: "... has been hit and is now falling down". blabla.
#5 No missions. (not really needed, but if you get me, this means that missions makes you slower bored.. It's not necessary missions btw)
I've seen barely any RP server that has followed any of these features (maybe its not RP, idk, but these features makes RP really not boring for me)