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New Administrator Tutorial for SA-MP - Printable Version

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New Administrator Tutorial for SA-MP - [MG]Dimi - 22.07.2011

Hi guys. I have decided, with 2 friend from sa-mp, to create Administrator Tutorial. With very high level of moderating knowledge this tutorial is compatible for every new and old administrator. It's in PDF format and has 8 pages. It also has 10 sections like: IRC Moderating, Admin Commands, Behaving, Abusing etc. I seriously don't have anything else to say about it. Fell free to comment and rate it.

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Re: New Administrator Tutorial for SA-MP - Desertsoulz - 22.07.2011

Not all servers go by the commands on page 2:

Re: New Administrator Tutorial for SA-MP - [MG]Dimi - 22.07.2011

There is note.

Note: Following commands are common ones. They may change from server to server!"

Re: New Administrator Tutorial for SA-MP - cessil - 22.07.2011

you forgot to mention admins shouldn't talk about admin things to non admins like posting a list of admin commands on the sa-mp forums, I'd be pretty pissed if one of my admins did that.

Re: New Administrator Tutorial for SA-MP - [MG]Dimi - 22.07.2011

Wrong. For you info a lot of admins do that. Even players, new ones, know a lot of admin commands but how will that help them if they know what are they? Also if you see tht admin has healed all players you can guess that command is /healall. Posting admin commands isn't so big deal as it won't help anyone.

Re: New Administrator Tutorial for SA-MP - ћNJ - 22.07.2011

Seems nice and useful.

Re: New Administrator Tutorial for SA-MP - cessil - 23.07.2011

Originally Posted by [MG]Dimi
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Wrong. For you info a lot of admins do that. Even players, new ones, know a lot of admin commands but how will that help them if they know what are they?
Well then they can't really be trusted then, admins shouldn't tell non admins what they can and can't do, if they do then they can figure out loop holes to get away with things.

You also forgot to mention that a really laggy player will seem to not lose health due to slow updates when they are slapped, also falling on grassy areas will make you lose less health than usual.


Some players will spawn weapons that shouldn't be there in the game mode.

even a very basic AC should detect this, if not then yours is pretty bad
same with the money cheats
and you should have at least some way of detecting speed cheats to warn admins as well.

So far, you have made your server seem unprofessional, poorly scripted and way too strict. Seriously banning someone for flaming?

Re: New Administrator Tutorial for SA-MP - [MG]Dimi - 23.07.2011

First where did you get idea that I have server? I never said that. Banning for flaming is very, very common thing because if someone is returning and keeps flaming everyone you would ban him. Also this is tutorial for administrator. I can't guess who has how good AC. If you want to comment it read it first.

Re: New Administrator Tutorial for SA-MP - cessil - 23.07.2011

I clearly mean the server that you wrote the guide for, and about the flaming, I would mute them. If players get too offended by words on the internet then they shouldn't be playing a multiplayer game.

Re: New Administrator Tutorial for SA-MP - [MG]Dimi - 23.07.2011

Not really. Those reasons in punishments are ordered. So you would first warn him, then mute, then kick and if he continues to flame I don't see the point of leting him playing there and that's ban. If you check any server's ban appeals you will see a lot of reasons like Flaming, Insulting, Insluting Admin, Mayor Disrespect etc.