is it possible to change my forums name! -
Lazy_Duck - 22.07.2011
is it possible to change my forums name?
i cant find that option in CP
Re: is it possible to change my forums name! -
Mark™ - 22.07.2011
ur samp forum's name ??
Re: is it possible to change my forums name! -
WoodPecker - 22.07.2011
You need to PM dugi for name change bro, Yo
Re: is it possible to change my forums name! -
Lazy_Duck - 23.07.2011
forums name == my_UserName
forums name != name_of_the_topic
return epicfail;
EROR :Non Of the beta testers respond

Solution : Create Another Account
Re: is it possible to change my forums name! -
Kitten - 23.07.2011
Originally Posted by Hussen.
forums name == my_UserName
forums name != name_of_the_topic
return epicfail;
EROR :Non Of the beta testers respond 
Solution : Create Another Account 
You need to be patient for them to change your name and also search before even making these kind of threads there are 10+ Topics like this made already.
Re: is it possible to change my forums name! -
[P4] - 23.07.2011
PM-ing dugi helped me.You need to be patient tho
Re: is it possible to change my forums name! -
WackoX - 23.07.2011
Re: is it possible to change my forums name! -
Lazy_Duck - 23.07.2011
well thnx all for help