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Dini Problem! - Printable Version

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Dini Problem! - Captain Price - 16.07.2011

I have no errors but It's not working good.
The Script
pawn Код:
/* Top of Script */
#define CarPrice dini_Int(vFile(vehicleid),"Price")
/* Somewhere in a command...
            // There are some UnImportent Funtions....Here...
        if(strlen(tmp) == 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, red, "/buyable **[Price]**");
        new PriceD = strval(tmp);
        if(dini_Int(vFile(vehicleid),"rCar") != 0)
        if(dini_Int(vFile(vehicleid),"sCar") != 0)
               // More Functions....
        return 1;
/* The Command */

        if(!IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,red,"аъд ма редв бшлб");
        if(dini_Exists(vFile(vehicleid)) && dini_Int(vFile(vehicleid),"adminCar") != 1 && strcmp(dini_Get(vFile(vehicleid), "CarOwner"), "None", true) != 0 && dini_Int(vFile(vehicleid),"sCar") != 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, red, "шлб жд фший еаъд ма йлем мшаеъ аъ дойгт щме");
        if(dini_Exists(vFile(vehicleid)) && dini_Int(vFile(vehicleid),"adminCar") != 1 && dini_Int(vFile(vehicleid),"sCar") == 0 && strcmp(dini_Get(vFile(vehicleid), "CarOwner"), "None", true) != 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, red, "шлб жд фший еаъд ма йлем мшаеъ аъ дойгт щме");
        if(dini_Exists(vFile(vehicleid)) && dini_Int(vFile(vehicleid),"adminCar") != 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, red, "мшлб жд айп ойгт");
        if(!dini_Exists(vFile(vehicleid))) return SendClientMessage(playerid, red, "мшлб жд айп ойгт");
        new title[128];
        new l1[128];
        new l2[128];
        format(title, sizeof(title), "---------------------- [%s] ойгт тм шлб------------------------", VehNames[GetVehicleModel(vehicleid)-400]);
        format(l1, sizeof(l1), "озйш дшлб: {FFFFFF} %s", CarPrice); // Translation: Vehicle Costs:
        format(l2, sizeof(l1), "щм дшлб ID: {FFFFFF} %s", vehicleid);
        SendClientMessage(playerid, orange, title);
        SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x33CCCC00, l1);
        if(dini_Int(vFile(vehicleid),"sCar") != 0) SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x33CCCC00, "сев шлб: {FFFFFF}Special - ойезг");
        if(dini_Int(vFile(vehicleid),"sCar") == 0) SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x33CCCC00, "сев шлб: {FFFFFF}Regular - швйм");
        SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x33CCCC00, l2);
        return 1;
Where Ive Transted Vehicle Costs: It's Write the folder That the value "Price" in, The *ini File, And not the Cost...
It's Showing it: Users/Cars/CarID%d.ini
Buy it need to show it: <Vehicle cost> the Line of: Price=<Price>


Re: Dini Problem! - Captain Price - 16.07.2011
