MDCS plugin - Printable Version
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MDCS plugin -
Scottas - 14.07.2011
Anyone has 'Dynamic Cookie System by m0niSx' plugin source code?
Re: MDCS plugin -
Gamer_Z - 14.07.2011
did he ever release it?
I know almost every plugin on this forum that is on the Netherlands, Polish and English section... And never heard about such a plugin.
Re: MDCS plugin -
Scottas - 14.07.2011
Yes, it was released some time ago, but now its topic is deleted
Re: MDCS plugin -
Raimis_R - 14.07.2011
Re: MDCS plugin -
Scottas - 14.07.2011
I've found it on ******, but there are only compiled plugins, no source code.
Re: MDCS plugin -
Raimis_R - 14.07.2011
I think you can forget source. (:
Re: MDCS plugin -
Scottas - 14.07.2011