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can some 1 make this script for me - Printable Version

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can some 1 make this script for me - crowb14 - 13.07.2011

A /(ar)rest command which automatically detect's criminal's within 5 metre's of the cop executing the command.(Which can also be converted into a /ticket, /taze or /cuff command look here is a tot on how 2 do this
i rtyd doing the tot but i dont know how 2 script so please can u do the tot and learn how2 make this cmd

i got the idea from a tot but i didnt understand or even know 2 put it together

Re: can some 1 make this script for me - WoodPecker - 13.07.2011

Well you can find a cmd /arrest [id][time] i think.

Re: can some 1 make this script for me - crowb14 - 13.07.2011

aww i thot some 1 could have done it go to this maybe u can learn and then come back and show me the code u wrote from what u learned

Re: can some 1 make this script for me - SergiKirov - 13.07.2011

just use the search option... there are multiple filterscripts with a system like this.