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Help with this - [MKD]Max - 13.07.2011

there something name

new breakcuffsrand = random(100);

can someone tell me what that mean please so i can control all rob command please

    new breakcuffsrand = random(100);
 	if(breakcuffsrand >=26 && breakcuffsrand <=100) // Failed
	new escapedname[24];
 	SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_ERROR,"Escape from rope is failed try again later! Escape failed.");
    return 1;
    if(breakcuffsrand >=0 && breakcuffsrand <=25) // complete
	TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 1);
	isKidnapped[playerid] =0;
	new escapedname[24];
	GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~r~ESCAPED~n~FROM ROPE",6000,3);
	format(string, sizeof(string), "%s(%d) Has escaped from rope",escapedname,playerid);
	for(new i=0;i<MAX_PLAYERS;i++)
    if(HasKidnapped[i] == 1) {
    format(string, sizeof(string), "%s(%d) has escaped ",escapedname,playerid);

Re: Help with this - Lorenc_ - 13.07.2011

That variable contains of a value that is randomized from 0 - 100

pawn Код:
if(breakcuffsrand >=26 && breakcuffsrand <=100)
This means if the variable is between those numbers (or equal) It'll do what it said in the brackets, same with the other if statement.