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Duel System - Printable Version

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Duel System - ServerRestart - 10.07.2011

Example : Player types /duel 1, it give you a desert eagle only in the duel, and It creates a duel, everyone see's this on there screen: (Playername) has created a desert eagle duel Type /duel 1 to join. Then when player types /duel 1 they will both spawn in an area with a desert eagle only and first to 2 points wins. How could this be made.?

Re: Duel System - ServerRestart - 10.07.2011


Re: Duel System - Toreno - 10.07.2011

You mean like a duel system using only DEAGLE? if so, then use this, not mine and enjoy:

Re: Duel System - Hipflop - 10.07.2011

Well, you need the following functions:

ResetPlayerWeapons (or you temp store them when you enter the duel),

Re: Duel System - ServerRestart - 10.07.2011

Thanks just what i was looking for!