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reclass help - Printable Version

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reclass help - RowdyrideR - 09.07.2011

hi guys..

i wanna know how to:
when someone dies, he get back to the "RequestClass" so he's able to choose a new team!
Thx guys..

and if you know "how to Prevent him from choosing the same team">> but this's not important!

Thx alooooooooooot!!

Re: reclass help - Sascha - 09.07.2011

ForceClassSelection at OnPlayerDeath

Re: reclass help - RowdyrideR - 09.07.2011

i tried it but didnt work!!
Can you make it?

Re: reclass help - [MG]Dimi - 09.07.2011

and for other one make array/variable to prevent them from spawning in same team

EDIT: You must add
PHP код:
PHP код:

Re: reclass help - RowdyrideR - 09.07.2011

oh thhhx it worked