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[AJUDA]WARNING no objeto - Printable Version

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[AJUDA]WARNING no objeto - FireScript - 06.07.2011

Essas sao a warning,
pawn Код:
new Poste1; // no topo do gm
new Poste2;
new Poste3;
new Poste4;
new Poste5;
new Poste6;
new Poste7;
new Poste8;
new Poste9;
new Poste10;
new Poste11;
new Poste12;
new Poste13;
new Poste14;
new Poste15;

    if(strcmp(cmdtext,"/rotalixeiro",true) == 0)
        if(VerificaEMP(playerid, 6))
                SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, "Vocк nгo esta em um Onibus!");
                return 1;
            if(GetPVarInt(playerid,"Rota1") > 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1," Vocк jб estб em uma corrida.");
            SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"Vocк acaba de iniciar sua rota. Siga as paradas para concluir sua rota.");
            SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, -182.2959,1068.7942,19.7422, 1.0);
            Poste1 = CreateDynamicObject(ID, -181.59, 1068.89, 19.28, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00);
            Poste2 = CreateDynamicObject(ID, -237.71, 1108.14, 19.28, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00);
            Poste3 = CreateDynamicObject(ID, -296.58, 1108.67, 19.28, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00);
            Poste4 = CreateDynamicObject(ID, -327.47, 1075.94, 19.28, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00);
            Poste5 = CreateDynamicObject(ID, -266.71, 1064.76, 19.28, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00);
            Poste6 = CreateDynamicObject(ID, -266.74, 1146.21, 19.28, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00);
            Poste7 = CreateDynamicObject(ID, -232.72, 1189.37, 19.28, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00);
            Poste8 = CreateDynamicObject(ID, -159.20, 1189.65, 19.28, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00);
            Poste9 = CreateDynamicObject(ID, -75.47, 1163.75, 19.28, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00);
            Poste10 = CreateDynamicObject(ID, -38.12, 1089.40, 19.28, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00);
            Poste11 = CreateDynamicObject(ID, -41.89, 989.53, 19.28, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00);
            Poste12 = CreateDynamicObject(ID, -100.32, 988.20, 19.28, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00);
            Poste13 = CreateDynamicObject(ID, -89.44, 945.99, 20.11, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00);
            Poste14 = CreateDynamicObject(ID, -77.91, 903.15, 21.35, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00);
            Poste15 = CreateDynamicObject(ID, -131.67, 910.31, 18.79, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00);
            return 1;
        SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, "Vocк nгo e um lixeiro!");
ID = id do objeto so que nao quero amostra o id.
D:\Jogos\Rockstar games\*\*Server\RP PT\gamemodes\BERP.pwn(15337) : warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "Poste1"
D:\Jogos\Rockstar games\*\*Server\RP PT\gamemodes\BERP.pwn(15346) : warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "Poste10"
D:\Jogos\Rockstar games\*\*Server\RP PT\gamemodes\BERP.pwn(15347) : warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "Poste11"
D:\Jogos\Rockstar games\*\*Server\RP PT\gamemodes\BERP.pwn(1534 : warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "Poste12"
D:\Jogos\Rockstar games\*\*Server\RP PT\gamemodes\BERP.pwn(15349) : warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "Poste13"
D:\Jogos\Rockstar games\*\*Server\RP PT\gamemodes\BERP.pwn(15350) : warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "Poste14"
D:\Jogos\Rockstar games\*\*Server\RP PT\gamemodes\BERP.pwn(15351) : warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "Poste15"
D:\Jogos\Rockstar games\*\*Server\RP PT\gamemodes\BERP.pwn(1533 : warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "Poste2"
D:\Jogos\Rockstar games\*\*Server\RP PT\gamemodes\BERP.pwn(15339) : warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "Poste3"
D:\Jogos\Rockstar games\*\*Server\RP PT\gamemodes\BERP.pwn(15340) : warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "Poste4"
D:\Jogos\Rockstar games\*\*Server\RP PT\gamemodes\BERP.pwn(15341) : warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "Poste5"
D:\Jogos\Rockstar games\*\*Server\RP PT\gamemodes\BERP.pwn(15342) : warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "Poste6"
D:\Jogos\Rockstar games\*\*Server\RP PT\gamemodes\BERP.pwn(15343) : warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "Poste7"
D:\Jogos\Rockstar games\*\*Server\RP PT\gamemodes\BERP.pwn(15344) : warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "Poste8"
D:\Jogos\Rockstar games\*\*Server\RP PT\gamemodes\BERP.pwn(15345) : warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "Poste9"

Re: [AJUDA]WARNING no objeto - Shadoww5 - 06.07.2011

Apague isto tudo:

PHP код:
new Poste1// no topo do gm 
new Poste2;
E troque isto:

PHP код:
Poste1 CreateDynamicObject(ID, -181.591068.8919.;
Poste2 CreateDynamicObject(ID, -237.711108.1419.;
Poste3 CreateDynamicObject(ID, -296.581108.6719.;
Poste4 CreateDynamicObject(ID, -327.471075.9419.;
Poste5 CreateDynamicObject(ID, -266.711064.7619.;
Poste6 CreateDynamicObject(ID, -266.741146.2119.;
Poste7 CreateDynamicObject(ID, -232.721189.3719.;
Poste8 CreateDynamicObject(ID, -159.201189.6519.;
Poste9 CreateDynamicObject(ID, -75.471163.7519.;
Poste10 CreateDynamicObject(ID, -38.121089.4019.;
Poste11 CreateDynamicObject(ID, -41.89989.5319.;
Poste12 CreateDynamicObject(ID, -100.32988.2019.;
Poste13 CreateDynamicObject(ID, -89.44945.9920.;
Poste14 CreateDynamicObject(ID, -77.91903.1521.350.000.000.00);
Poste15 CreateDynamicObject(ID, -131.67910.3118.790.000.000.00); 
Por isto:

PHP код:
CreateDynamicObject(ID, -181.591068.8919.;
CreateDynamicObject(ID, -237.711108.1419.;
CreateDynamicObject(ID, -296.581108.6719.;
CreateDynamicObject(ID, -327.471075.9419.;
CreateDynamicObject(ID, -266.711064.7619.;
CreateDynamicObject(ID, -266.741146.2119.;
CreateDynamicObject(ID, -232.721189.3719.;
CreateDynamicObject(ID, -159.201189.6519.;
CreateDynamicObject(ID, -75.471163.7519.;
CreateDynamicObject(ID, -38.121089.4019.;
CreateDynamicObject(ID, -41.89989.5319.;
CreateDynamicObject(ID, -100.32988.2019.;
CreateDynamicObject(ID, -89.44945.9920.;
CreateDynamicObject(ID, -77.91903.1521.350.000.000.00);
CreateDynamicObject(ID, -131.67910.3118.790.000.000.00); 

Re: [AJUDA]WARNING no objeto - FireScript - 06.07.2011

mas se eu trocar por isso

pawn Код:
CreateDynamicObject(ID, -181.59, 1068.89, 19.28, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00);
CreateDynamicObject(ID, -237.71, 1108.14, 19.28, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00);
CreateDynamicObject(ID, -296.58, 1108.67, 19.28, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00);
CreateDynamicObject(ID, -327.47, 1075.94, 19.28, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00);
CreateDynamicObject(ID, -266.71, 1064.76, 19.28, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00);
CreateDynamicObject(ID, -266.74, 1146.21, 19.28, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00);
CreateDynamicObject(ID, -232.72, 1189.37, 19.28, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00);
CreateDynamicObject(ID, -159.20, 1189.65, 19.28, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00);
CreateDynamicObject(ID, -75.47, 1163.75, 19.28, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00);
CreateDynamicObject(ID, -38.12, 1089.40, 19.28, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00);
CreateDynamicObject(ID, -41.89, 989.53, 19.28, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00);
CreateDynamicObject(ID, -100.32, 988.20, 19.28, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00);
CreateDynamicObject(ID, -89.44, 945.99, 20.11, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00);
CreateDynamicObject(ID, -77.91, 903.15, 21.35, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00);
CreateDynamicObject(ID, -131.67, 910.31, 18.79, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00);
e que o player vai pegar o poste 1, dai vou deletar o poste1 e vou criar ele pelo attached assim fazendo como se ele tivesse pego no chao o objeto.

Re: [AJUDA]WARNING no objeto - Shadoww5 - 06.07.2011

Han ?

Re: [AJUDA]WARNING no objeto - FireScript - 06.07.2011

Tipo olha, o cara comeзa a rota, chega na checkpoint desce do veiculo, digita /pegar1, dai o objeto que ta no chao e deletado, e e criado como attached objet no cara, ficando como se ele tivesse pego o objeto no chao.

Re: [AJUDA]WARNING no objeto - Josma_cmd - 06.07.2011

Coloca isso no fim do seu GM.
pawn Код:
#pragma unused Poste1
#pragma unused Poste2
#pragma unused Poste3
#pragma unused Poste4
#pragma unused Poste5
#pragma unused Poste6
#pragma unused Poste7
#pragma unused Poste8
#pragma unused Poste9
#pragma unused Poste10
#pragma unused Poste11
#pragma unused Poste12
#pragma unused Poste13
#pragma unused Poste14
#pragma unused Poste15

Re: [AJUDA]WARNING no objeto - Macintosh - 06.07.2011

Originally Posted by Josma_cmd
Посмотреть сообщение
Coloca isso no fim do seu GM.
pawn Код:
#pragma unused Poste1
#pragma unused Poste2
#pragma unused Poste3
#pragma unused Poste4
#pragma unused Poste5
#pragma unused Poste6
#pragma unused Poste7
#pragma unused Poste8
#pragma unused Poste9
#pragma unused Poste10
#pragma unused Poste11
#pragma unused Poste12
#pragma unused Poste13
#pragma unused Poste14
#pragma unused Poste15
Nгo precisa do ';' D:

Re: [AJUDA]WARNING no objeto - Shadoww5 - 06.07.2011

FireScript, continuo sem entender ... Posta o comando aqui.

Todavia, para consertar este erro, basta voce fazer o que eu falei e pronto, pois o pawno estб acusando que tais arrays nгo estгo sendo usadas no GM.

Re: [AJUDA]WARNING no objeto - TheGarfield - 06.07.2011

bote no OnGameModeExit:
pawn Код:
Poste1= 0;
    Poste2= 0;
    Poste3= 0;
    Poste4= 0;
    Poste5= 0;
    Poste6= 0;
    Poste7= 0;
    Poste8= 0;
    Poste9= 0;
    Poste10= 0;
    Poste11= 0;
    Poste12= 0;
    Poste13= 0;
    Poste14= 0;
    Poste15= 0;
sem dъvida os erros acabaram.

Re: [AJUDA]WARNING no objeto - Ricop522 - 06.07.2011

PHP код:
new Poste[15]; // Total de postes + 1
for(new 0x014; ++iPoste[i] = 0//OnPlayerConnect
if(strcmp(cmdtext,"/rotalixeiro",true) == 0)
CarroOnibus(playerid)) return SendClientMessage(playeridCOLOR_GRAD1"Vocк nгo esta em um Onibus!");
GetPVarInt(playerid,"Rota1") > 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1," Vocк jб estб em uma corrida.");
SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"Vocк acaba de iniciar sua rota. Siga as paradas para concluir sua rota.");
SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, -182.2959,1068.7942,19.74221.0);
Poste[0] = CreateDynamicObject(ID, -181.591068.8919.; // ID iniciado й 0 que equivale a 1
Poste[1] = CreateDynamicObject(ID, -237.711108.1419.; //
Poste[2] = CreateDynamicObject(ID, -296.581108.6719.;
Poste[3] = CreateDynamicObject(ID, -327.471075.9419.;
Poste[4] = CreateDynamicObject(ID, -266.711064.7619.;
Poste[5] = CreateDynamicObject(ID, -266.741146.2119.;
Poste[6] = CreateDynamicObject(ID, -232.721189.3719.;
Poste[7] = CreateDynamicObject(ID, -159.201189.6519.;
Poste[8] = CreateDynamicObject(ID, -75.471163.7519.;
Poste[9] = CreateDynamicObject(ID, -38.121089.4019.;
Poste[10] = CreateDynamicObject(ID, -41.89989.5319.;
Poste[11] = CreateDynamicObject(ID, -100.32988.2019.;
Poste[12] = CreateDynamicObject(ID, -89.44945.9920.;
Poste[13] = CreateDynamicObject(ID, -77.91903.1521.350.000.000.00);
Poste[14] = CreateDynamicObject(ID, -131.67910.3118.790.000.000.00); // 15
return 0x01;
    else return 
SendClientMessage(playeridCOLOR_GRAD1"Vocк nгo e um lixeiro!");