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Code not stopping when loop check fails? - Printable Version

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Code not stopping when loop check fails? - dowster - 03.07.2011

I made a code to save each car to their individual file upon server shutdown, however instead not creating files for vehicle IDs that return a model number out of the regular range, it just keeps going. why wont the is loop break?
public SaveVehicleData()
	print("--- Saving Vehicles");
	for (new vID = 1; vID <= 500; vID++)
	    model = GetVehicleModel(vID);
	    if(model >= 400, model <= 611)
			new carfile[20], percent[36];
    		GetVehiclePos(vID, posx, posy, posz);
			GetVehicleZAngle(vID, rotz);
			GetVehicleHealth(vID, chealth);
   			GetVehicleDamageStatus(vID, panels, doors, lights, tires);
   			if(vID > 1)
   				if(GetVehicleModel(vID-1) == 0)
   					format(carfile, sizeof(carfile), "Vehicles/%i.txt", vID-1);
				    format(carfile, sizeof(carfile), "Vehicles/%i.txt", vID);
			else if(vID == 1)
			    format(carfile, sizeof(carfile), "Vehicles/%i.txt", vID);
			new INI:veh = INI_Open(carfile);
			INI_WriteInt(veh, "VEHICLE-ID", vID);
			INI_WriteInt(veh, "VEHICLE-MODEL", model);
			INI_WriteFloat(veh, "POSITION-X", posx);
			INI_WriteFloat(veh, "POSITION-Y", posy);
			INI_WriteFloat(veh, "POSITION-Z", posz);
			INI_WriteFloat(veh, "ROTATION-Z", rotz);
			INI_WriteFloat(veh, "HEALTH", chealth);
			INI_WriteInt(veh, "PANELS-DAMAGE", panels);
			INI_WriteInt(veh, "DOORS-DAMAGE", doors);
			INI_WriteInt(veh, "LIGHTS-DAMAGE", lights);
			INI_WriteInt(veh, "TIRE-DAMAGE", tires);
			INI_WriteInt(veh, "GOVERNMENT-VEHICLE", gVehicleData[vID][GOVERNMENT]);
			INI_WriteInt(veh, "POLICE-VEHICLE", gVehicleData[vID][POLICE]);
			INI_WriteInt(veh, "ARMY-VEHICLE", gVehicleData[vID][ARMY]);
			INI_WriteInt(veh, "FBI-VEHICLE", gVehicleData[vID][FBI]);
			INI_WriteInt(veh, "SANITATION-VEHICLE", gVehicleData[vID][SANITATION]);
			INI_WriteInt(veh, "DEALERSHIP-VEHICLE", gVehicleData[vID][DEALERSHIP]);
			INI_WriteInt(veh, "VEHICLE-PRICE", gVehicleData[vID][PRICE]);
			INI_WriteInt(veh, "TRUCKING-VEHICLE", gVehicleData[vID][TRUCKING]);
			INI_WriteFloat(veh, "DEALER-SPAWN-X", gVehicleData[vID][DSPAWNX]);
			INI_WriteFloat(veh, "DEALER-SPAWN-Y", gVehicleData[vID][DSPAWNY]);
			INI_WriteFloat(veh, "DEALER-SPAWN-Z", gVehicleData[vID][DSPAWNZ]);
			INI_WriteFloat(veh, "DEALER-SPAWN-ZR", gVehicleData[vID][DSPAWNZR]);
			format(percent, sizeof(percent), "Saving Cars, %i Percent Completed", vID/5);
			savingcars = TextDrawCreate(10.0, 100.0, percent);
	return 1;
Thanks in advance

Re: Code not stopping when loop check fails? - MadeMan - 03.07.2011

Should be like this:

pawn Код:
if(model >= 400 && model <= 611)

Re: Code not stopping when loop check fails? - dowster - 03.07.2011

thanks bro but i fixed it by making the save part the else statement and doing
if(model == 0)