Suggestion: Forum Reputation System -
Jochemd - 03.07.2011
In vBulletin Forums it's possible to use a Reputation system. I see it's not used here, and I was just wondering why not? Reputation system would fit here perfectly. Someone gives a good post with good code -> + rep. I'd like to know what other people think about it.
I hope on good comments.
Edit: I think it hasn't been suggested yet.
Re: Forum Reputation System -
jameskmonger - 03.07.2011
Re: Suggestion: Forum Reputation System -
Bakr - 03.07.2011
This would just turn into caos. Everyone seems to get into some type of flamewar here, and once someone starts, there would be mass negative reputations being given. Not to mention, most likely the newer, younger, less mature members, would consantly contact the moderators/beta testers demanding them to remove a negative repuation.
Re: Suggestion: Forum Reputation System -
jameskmonger - 03.07.2011
@Bakr, so disable anyone with under 1000 posts from giving negative reputation?
Re: Suggestion: Forum Reputation System -
Bakr - 03.07.2011
Then that would just influence people to spam until they get enough posts to do so.
Honestly, nothing should be judged off of post count. Look at some of the members with the largests post counts - half of their posts are just useless crap, or don't give any real contribution to the thread. At the same time, when you look around, some of the most knowledgable people have the least post counts (based on what they have posted, at least), in my opinion.
Re: Suggestion: Forum Reputation System -
Tachibana - 03.07.2011
In this forum where people love to do E-Fights & E-Gangsta... Wont work.
Re: Suggestion: Forum Reputation System -
jameskmonger - 03.07.2011
No, look here:
In the top ten I already see eight amazing users.
Re: Suggestion: Forum Reputation System -
saiberfun - 03.07.2011
wouldn't work out. /q
Seriously that wouldn't work out as everybody seems to be trying to be the best troll around here and
these would give other people bad reps.
About the 1000+ Suggestion:
Even some of the "High Rollers" aren't mature enough to hold back wrong reputation records.
And even if they'd do so we'd have a lot of people spamming just to get 1000+ posts.
Re: Suggestion: Forum Reputation System -
Miralem - 03.07.2011
Originally Posted by jameskmonger
On topic, The Reputation system should be limited to persons who've been on the forums for eg. 2 months or something, so we could prevent Newbies ( not n00bs cuz some veterans are n00bz anyways ... )
Off Topic.. LOL the person with the highest post count is the Ex-Yu Moderator facist neonazi guy......
(Link , check his profile picture on the forums and check the Coat of Arms) ... He also threathens to all whom post within the Ex-Yu Languages section if they support
Tito and
Titoism .... they'll get banned .... -.-
I'm actually thinking of reporting him...
Re: Suggestion: Forum Reputation System -
xRyder - 03.07.2011
Originally Posted by Miralem
Why? What have he done wrong?
Why don't you just stop with your public "
Say to all that I love Tito" promotion?
You are the one who is acting immature...