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MySQL code not working :X - Printable Version

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MySQL code not working :X - ben4uka - 01.07.2011

	new Pname[24];
    GetPlayerName(playerid, Pname, 24);
	new escpname[24];
	mysql_real_escape_string(Pname, escpname);
	format(query, sizeof(query), "UPDATE `users` SET `Points` = '%d',`AdminLevel` = '%d', `Level` = '%d'", PlayerInfo[playerid][Points], PlayerInfo[playerid][AdminLevel], PlayerInfo[playerid][Level], escpname);

C:\Documents and Settings\тшех дчрйеъ\щемзп дтбегд\щшъ\gamemodes\esw.pwn(1389) : error 076: syntax error in the expression, or invalid function call

AW: MySQL code not working :X - Blowfish - 01.07.2011

	format(query, sizeof(query), "UPDATE `users` SET `Points` = '%d',`AdminLevel` = '%d', `Level` = '%d'", PlayerInfo[playerid][Points], PlayerInfo[playerid][AdminLevel], PlayerInfo[playerid][Level], escpname);
Something like
WHERE `name` = '%s'
is missing in the end of your query string.

Re: MySQL code not working :X - ben4uka - 01.07.2011

still have the error..

AW: MySQL code not working :X - Blowfish - 01.07.2011

Would be great if you posted your new code and added line numbers.

Re: MySQL code not working :X - ben4uka - 01.07.2011

1385	new Pname[24];
1386    GetPlayerName(playerid, Pname, 24);
1387	new escpname[24];
1388	mysql_real_escape_string(Pname, escpname);
1399	format(query, sizeof(query), "UPDATE `users` SET `Points` = '%d', `AdminLevel` = '%d', `Level` = '%d' WHERE `Nick` = '%s'", PlayerInfo[playerid][Points], PlayerInfo[playerid][AdminLevel], PlayerInfo[playerid][Level], escpname);
1400	mysql_query(query);
1401    mysql_free_result();

AW: MySQL code not working :X - Blowfish - 01.07.2011

Why don't you use escpname?
And I'm not quite sure how you want to make a function that actually returns a string.

Re: MySQL code not working :X - ben4uka - 01.07.2011

lol i edited it, and i still have the error..

AW: MySQL code not working :X - Blowfish - 01.07.2011

Again. Code would be really great to help you.

Edit: Ahh, i see you edited it in the above post.

Re: MySQL code not working :X - Calgon - 01.07.2011

We need line 1389, not 1399.

AW: MySQL code not working :X - Blowfish - 01.07.2011

BTW: What do you use mysql_free_result for there? It's not really necessary there.