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ERROR LOADING YSI - Printable Version

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ERROR LOADING YSI - Loading... - 01.07.2011

Why i get this thing pop up in the cmd when i run my server

[15:25:20]  |                                     | 
[15:25:20]  |   Error: Could not connect to YSI   | 
[15:25:20]  |  update server (response was 003).  | 
[15:25:20]  |                                     | 
[15:25:20]  =======================================

Re: ERROR LOADING YSI - uldissUP - 02.03.2012

I got the same problem!

Re: ERROR LOADING YSI - milanosie - 02.03.2012


If u read u can see..

YSI server is down I guess

Re: ERROR LOADING YSI - ]Rafaellos[ - 02.03.2012

Ignore it.

Re: ERROR LOADING YSI - 2KY - 02.03.2012

I'm receiving the same error, and it's been going on for about a year now, it's getting rather annoying. I know it really doesn't effect anything but I enjoy clean logs. Is there perhaps a way to disable this automatic version check in the plugin?