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Not with bikes - Tachibana - 27.06.2011


I just need a small help, I got an vehicle sys in dialogs however I dont want to turn on the engine on a bicycle (from when do u turn on engine there?!) so the bike will be able to be driven without doing /vc choosing Engine

Is it something like Ifisbike or wtf lol

Big Regards Tachiaban

Re: Not with bikes - BizzyD - 27.06.2011

You have to find the id's for the bikes, and then make a if(IsaBike) something like that :P

Re: Not with bikes - randomkid88 - 27.06.2011

Something like this:
pawn Код:
stock IsABike(vid)
    new modelid = GetVehicleModel(vid);
    if(modelid == 509||modelid ==510||modelid ==581||modelid ==522||modelid ==521||modelid ==523||modelid ==586||modelid ==481||modelid ==462||modelid ==448||modelid ==461||modelid ==463||modelid ==468||modelid ==471) return 1;
    else return 0;
To use:
pawn Код:
if(IsABike(vid)) //checks to see if the given vehicle ID is a bike

Re: Not with bikes - Tachibana - 27.06.2011

Originally Posted by randomkid88
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Something like this:
pawn Код:
stock IsABike(vid)
    new modelid = GetVehicleModel(vid);
    if(modelid == 509||modelid ==510||modelid ==581||modelid ==522||modelid ==521||modelid ==523||modelid ==586||modelid ==481||modelid ==462||modelid ==448||modelid ==461||modelid ==463||modelid ==468||modelid ==471) return 1;
    else return 0;
To use:
pawn Код:
if(IsABike(vid)) //checks to see if the given vehicle ID is a bike
Just when I was about to post my one with errors xD

however from your one I get
pawn Код:
error 017: undefined symbol "vid"
when put on engine choice

Thanks btw ;]

Re: Not with bikes - Luis- - 27.06.2011

Try something like:
pawn Код:
new vid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
And add it to your engine code.

Re: Not with bikes - Tachibana - 27.06.2011

Originally Posted by -Luis
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Try something like:
pawn Код:
new vid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
And add it to your engine code.

: error 017: undefined symbol "vid"
: error 003: declaration of a local variable must appear in a compound block
: error 017: undefined symbol "vid"
: error 017: undefined symbol "vid"
: error 003: declaration of a local variable must appear in a compound block
: error 017: undefined symbol "vid"

Gives some errors

Re: Not with bikes - Wesley221 - 27.06.2011

Change vid with vehicleid

Re: Not with bikes - Tachibana - 27.06.2011

Originally Posted by Wesley221
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Change vid with vehicleid
Still says undefined

Re: Not with bikes - Mean - 27.06.2011

Full code? You've probbably placed it wrong.

Re: Not with bikes - Tachibana - 27.06.2011

Originally Posted by Mean
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Full code? You've probbably placed it wrong.
pawn Код:
case 4:
                if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "Engine") == 0)
                    SetPVarInt(playerid, "Engine", 1);
                else if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "Engine") == 1)
                    SetPVarInt(playerid, "Engine", 0);