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[FilterScript] [FS] SVehicle+ - Printable Version

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S32Vehicle+ - System64 - 25.06.2011


Hi all

This is my first filterscript relase on this forum!
It's a FS that allow you to use some "power" with vehicles!
Jump, repair, flip, infinite nitro!


Jump: KEY_ACTION (Default: CTRL)
Repair: KEY_SUBMISSION (Default: 2)
Flip: KEY_CROUCH (Default: H)
Nitro: LMB (Left mouse button)


I didn't create this FS, I just connect some FS in one FS
I now it's easy to make but...

I cannot remember authors of filterscripts, sorry!


Okay, here it is:



Here is the download, pastebin!

Re: [FS] SVehicle+ - Ronaldo_raul™ - 25.06.2011

Nice ...but its kinda easy!

Re: [FS] SVehicle+ - tbedy - 25.06.2011


pozdrav iz splita, љteta neradi BS ..

pozz od Bedi-a

Re: [FS] SVehicle+ - System64 - 25.06.2011

thanks peoples, I now it's easy But useful :P

Pozdrav i tebi iz Zadra

Jebiga, nesto bice ne placaju host i tak oneko sranje :S

Re: [FS] SVehicle+ - tbedy - 25.06.2011

imaљ malo postova ovdje za razliku od tamo

sretno, dobra FS ...

ja upravo napravio svoju, s rentom na odredeno virjeme... sad otvaram srvr i tkao...


Re: [FS] SVehicle+ - System64 - 25.06.2011

ja isto otvaram, stunt srv, imam malo postova jer sam kasno dosao ovdje a tamo malo spama i tako ide

Re: [FS] SVehicle+ - tbedy - 25.06.2011

nema kruva od stunt servera... љto neotvoriљ roleplay?

jesi ti moderator na BSu ?

meni je cilj uci na sluzbenu listu BS servera...

Re: [FS] SVehicle+ - System64 - 25.06.2011

ma nema kurca od stunt servra, sta fali

ne zelim se zafrkavat sa RPom

kakav moderator? Mislis super moderator/admin?Nista od toga

koji server?Nes sigurno uci na listu :A

Re: [FS] SVehicle+ - tbedy - 25.06.2011

zašto nebi ušao na listu ?

Re: [FS] SVehicle+ - StreetGT - 25.06.2011

in this thread, you are only allowed to talk English!

Re: [FS] SVehicle+ - System64 - 25.06.2011

okay, I'm sorry

Re: [FS] SVehicle+ - Mrki_Drakula - 03.07.2011


in this thread, you are only allowed to talk English!

Gde to pise? xD

Re: [FS] SVehicle+ - iPLEOMAX - 03.07.2011

Simple, but your FS may help new pawners learn something..

Guys, /rules... Even if you see "Unknown Command" you type again: /rules! ^_^

Re: [FS] SVehicle+ - Pasa - 11.07.2011

Good fs is simple but good
ako trebas skriptera il mapera javi mi se