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PAWN Gate Help - Crusher_Men - 24.06.2011

I've got a problem with my gate....
When i tipe the cmd, he just keep going in a way I don't want and he never stops..
So... When my gate open's, he never stops..


if (strcmp(cmdtext, "/CO", true)==0){
SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GATE,"(INFO) Gate opening!!");
MoveObject (AutomaticGate,523.959229, 2778.823730, 12.445267, 25.0);
return 1;
if (strcmp(cmdtext, "/CF", true)==0)
SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GATE,"(INFO)Gate closing..!!");
MoveObject (AutomaticGate,523.959229, 2778.823730, 0.445267, 25.0);
return 1;

Help me..

Re: PAWN Gate Help - GangsTa_ - 24.06.2011

Maybe your coordinates are wrong?

Re: PAWN Gate Help - =WoR=Varth - 24.06.2011

12.445267 to 0.445267 is a way too far

Re: PAWN Gate Help - danodanodano - 24.06.2011

Also, you need this..

At the top of the script:
and under OnGameModeInit:
gate=CreateObject("The Y, and Z, etc.")
And, at the command:
if (strcmp(cmdtext, "/CF", true)==0)
SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GATE,"(INFO)Gate closing..!!");
MoveObject (gate,523.959229, 2778.823730, 0.445267, 25.0);
return 1;

Re: PAWN Gate Help - Crusher_Men - 25.06.2011

My coordintes are correct..
It's a big gate... So I need that distance down...
I've got the
new gate;
gate = ....

but the only problem is that the gate wont go down... instead of that he just "run" in front of me...

Thanks anyway