Bugged Admin commands -
Tachibana - 24.06.2011
Now this is strange due few of my commands have
pawn Код:
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Admin] < LEVEL HERE)
so you guys know what that mean but few commands I made decided to not work with it...
and they look completley fine!
/goto command
pawn Код:
CMD:goto(playerid, params[])
new ID;
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Admin] < 3)
if(sscanf(params, "u", ID)) SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "SYNTAX: /goto [ID]");
else if(IsPlayerConnected(ID) == 0) SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "[ERROR]:This Player is not online.");
new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
GetPlayerPos(ID, x, y, z);
SetPlayerPos(playerid, x+1, y+1, z);
return 1;
/gethere command
pawn Код:
CMD:gethere(playerid, params[])
new id;
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Admin] < 3)
if(!sscanf(params, "ui", id))
new string[64];
new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z; GetPlayerPos(playerid,x,y,z); SetPlayerInterior(id,GetPlayerInterior(playerid));
GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof(name));
GetPlayerName(id, PlayerName, sizeof(PlayerName));
format(string, sizeof(string), "%s teleported yourself to him.", name);
SendClientMessage(id, COLOR_LEMON, string);
format(string, sizeof(string), "You teleported %s to you.", PlayerName);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LEMON, string);
return 1;
else return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "SYNTAX: /gethere[PlayerId/PartOfName]");
else return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "[ERROR]:You are not a Public Safety Member! Or your PSM level is too low!");
else return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "[ERROR]:This Player is not online.");
cage command
pawn Код:
CMD:psmcage(playerid, params[])
new id;
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Admin] < 3)
if(!sscanf(params, "u", id))
new string[64];
GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof(name));
GetPlayerName(id, PlayerName, sizeof(PlayerName));
format(string, sizeof(string), "You have been caged by %s.", name);
SendClientMessage(id, COLOR_RED, string);
SendClientMessage(id, COLOR_RED, "If you want to know the reason please do PM the Public Safety Member that caged you.");
format(string, sizeof(string), "You caged %s .", PlayerName);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LEMON, string);
SetPlayerPos(id, 264.6288,77.5742,1001.0391);
SetPlayerInterior(id, 3);
return 1;
else return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "SYNTAX: /psmcage [PlayerId/PartOfName]");
else return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "[ERROR]:You are not a Public Safety Member! Or your PSM level is too low!");
else return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "[ERROR]:This Player is not online.");
un cage command
pawn Код:
CMD:psmuncage(playerid, params[])
new id;
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Admin] < 3)
if(!sscanf(params, "u", id))
new string[64];
GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof(name));
GetPlayerName(id, PlayerName, sizeof(PlayerName));
format(string, sizeof(string), "You have been uncaged by %s.", name);
SendClientMessage(id, COLOR_LEMON, string);
format(string, sizeof(string), "You uncage %s .", PlayerName);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LEMON, string);
SetPlayerPos(id, 1555.097900, -1675.848754, 16.195312);
SetPlayerInterior(id, 0);
return 1;
else return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "SYNTEX: /psmuncaged [PlayerID/PartOfName]");
else return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "[ERROR]:You are not a Public Safety Member! Or your PSM level is too low!");
else return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "[ERROR]:This Player is not online.");
and if you look all of them do have
pawn Код:
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Admin] < LEVEL HERE)
I tested them in non admin account they work fine but beside that they are suppouse to be only for admins?
Anyone got solutions?
(Wonder if it is possible to do in cage and uncage (%s text by %s) tried and I got errors...)
Re: Bugged Admin commands -
Tachibana - 24.06.2011
worked thanks