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Is there any method to port a Web-Page inside the game ? - Printable Version

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Is there any method to port a Web-Page inside the game ? - Zeta - 22.06.2011

I could like to port a Web-Page on the game as a canvas,
Is it possible to do so ?

For example,

1. type a command , /web
2. open a dialog , display the "http://******.com"

Thank you !!

Re: Is there any method to port a Web-Page inside the game ? - Ronaldo_raulâ„¢ - 22.06.2011

hm....I Think its not possible....

Re: Is there any method to port a Web-Page inside the game ? - kelvin22 - 22.06.2011

Lol, what you mean to open web-page ingame o.O it isnt pissible