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help !! - Printable Version

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help !! - alex1740 - 20.06.2011

HEy guys
Sorry for my bad english
So I have download the gamemode from serman (SU) but how i get that im the admin from this server.
I have looked about 3-4 help videos.
Can you download the files and look because nomaly there is users and there is my file but it isnt there.....
I hope you can help me

Re: help !! - alex1740 - 21.06.2011

come on plss

Re: help !! - [BP]Tony - 21.06.2011

You change something at the GM
Do you Download all icludes?
And do you add it on pwno>iclude>Icludes?
If you dont the GM wont play!|
*Edit Give me the Errors