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GM Help. - Printable Version

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GM Help. - Spenzo - 16.06.2011

I have a GM, and, when I open it on comp, it works.


Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3c, ©2005-2010 SA-MP Team

[19:41:07] Server Plugins
[19:41:07] --------------
[19:41:07] Loading plugin: Streamer

*** Streamer Plugin v2.5.2 by Incognito loaded ***

[19:41:07] Loaded.
[19:41:07] Loaded 1 plugins.

[19:41:07] Ban list
[19:41:07] --------
[19:41:07] Loaded: samp.ban
[19:41:07] Filter Scripts
[19:41:07] ---------------
[19:41:07] Loading filter script 'uobjects.amx'...
[19:41:07] Steven Anderson:RP Objects
[19:41:07] --------------------------------------

[19:41:07] Loaded 1 filter scripts.

[19:41:07] Filterscript 'uobjects.amx' unloaded.
[19:41:07] Steven Anderson:RP Objects
[19:41:07] --------------------------------------

[19:41:07] Filterscript 'uobjects.amx' loaded.
[19:41:07] Default Weather: 11
[19:41:07] P:RP 0.3 Remake
[19:41:07] Number of vehicle models: 52

Now, I got a server from, I putted GM inside, uobjects FS, streamer plugin, and... :

Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3c R2, ©2005-2011 SA-MP Team

[18:31:24] Server Plugins
[18:31:24] --------------
[18:31:24] Loading plugin: streamer
[18:31:24] Failed (plugins/streamer: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
[18:31:24] Loaded 0 plugins.

[18:31:24] Filter Scripts
[18:31:24] ---------------
[18:31:24] Loading filter script 'speedo.amx'...
[18:31:24] Clock Speedometer load
[18:31:24] Loading filter script 'gantonma.amx'...
[18:31:24] Unable to load filter script 'gantonma.amx'.
[18:31:24] Loading filter script 'uobjects.amx'...
[18:31:24] Failed to load 'filterscripts/uobjects.amx.amx' filter script.
[18:31:24] Unable to load filter script 'uobjects.amx'.
[18:31:24] Loaded 1 filter scripts.

Re: GM Help. - Jay. - 16.06.2011

Are your plugins in your plugins folder? And is your plugins folder in the server folder?

AW: GM Help. - xerox8521 - 16.06.2011

u might need to upload .SO files because most providers uses linux as their OS. And you need to add the .SO extionsion into your server.cfg


Re: GM Help. - CoaPsyFactor - 16.06.2011

you have to do that only if your server is running on linux

Re : GM Help. - Shidony - 16.06.2011

1) create a folder named "plugins"
2) Upload your plugins in this folder
3) Add a line in your server.cfg:
pawn Код:
don't forget the extension
4) chmod 777 your plugins folder
5) RUn your server

Re: GM Help. - Spenzo - 16.06.2011

It's windows, FTP.
I've put the streamer plugin n shit, then, when I enter, like...there is no script, I spawn at LV and...that's it.

Re: GM Help. - Spenzo - 16.06.2011

I think it's this line :

Failed to load 'filterscripts/uobjects.amx.amx' filter script.

I didn't wrote uobjects.amx.amx, it's uobjects.amx....what's problem ?