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Streaming Issue - Printable Version

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Streaming Issue - Sil3nc3 - 15.06.2011

I am currently working on my GM for my server and EVERYTHING works just as it should except the damn streamer!
I have tried everything getting it to work, I have tried running with it, running without, increasing values, using different streamers, all give me the same result, nothing appears until you are practically on top of the object. Anyone who can give me support or help? If you want my Skype or TS to talk about it on there you may have it as well, just ask and I'll PM it to you. Thanks



Re: Streaming Issue - Sil3nc3 - 15.06.2011

-Updated Post-

Re: Streaming Issue - HayZatic - 16.06.2011

Out Of No Where Try To Put the Plugins thing at the bottom like So

echo Executing Server Config...
lanmode 0
rcon_password ********
maxplayers 20
port 7777
hostname [Still UnderDevelopment] HayZatic DeathMatch
gamemode0 DeathMatch
filterscripts RAdmin a51g 
announce 1
query 1
onfoot_rate 40
incar_rate 40
weapon_rate 40
stream_distance 300.0
stream_rate 1000
maxnpc 0
logtimeformat [%H:%M:%S]
plugins sscanf.dll MapAndreas.dll
If that Didnt Work Try Windows Live Me,

Re: Streaming Issue - Sil3nc3 - 16.06.2011

Ah I see, well I realized I didn't have the coordinates for the objects and my updated "CreatDynamicObjects" etc...silly me :P

I am slowly putting things in and they are streaming! So I guess it is a good sign. But I will try that.