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Solved - Printable Version

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Solved - Bmxerlmao5288 - 13.06.2011

Never Mind This Was Solved thanks

Re: A Pickup Question - TheYoungCapone - 13.06.2011

you dont really need a pickup if your using a command such as
if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/enter", true) == 0)
    if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 3, 1775.9066,-1665.7269,14.4304))
        SetPlayerPos(playerid, 1787.2688, -1659.1866, 16.0000);
    return 1;
Also forgot to add your coordinates were written wrong.

Re: A Pickup Question - Mauzen - 13.06.2011

Check CreatePickup, SetPlayerPos and OnPlayerPickUpPickup