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[HELP] Whirlpool - System64 - 13.06.2011

Hay all

I have one problem, I hashed passwords with whirlpool, but when I go login I must type password that whirlpool has hashed, I use Y-INI and I se in Notes (On Whirlpool Therad) something about that if I use y_ini blablabal I don't understand that, anybody help?

Re: [HELP] Whirlpool - System64 - 14.06.2011


Anybody help?Please I need help about this!

Re: [HELP] Whirlpool - System64 - 14.06.2011

gaaaaa fucking bump


Re: [HELP] Whirlpool - Wesley221 - 14.06.2011

So you mean, you cant login because of the hashed password?

pawn Код:
if(WP_hash(inputtext[0] == gPlayerInfo[playerid][PLAYER_PASS]) // Change this to the WP has, not sure which it used, and also change the PlayerInfo things
   //code here

Re: [HELP] Whirlpool - Calgon - 14.06.2011

That's not how you compare strings, Wesley221. You use strcmp.

@OP - I'm not sure of any additional notes, there probably aren't any.

Re: [HELP] Whirlpool - Wesley221 - 14.06.2011

Hmm, in my admin fs im doing it like that; and that's working.
In my Admin FS i got " if(num_hash(inputtext) == dini_Int(file, "Password")) "

Re: [HELP] Whirlpool - Calgon - 14.06.2011

Originally Posted by Wesley221
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Hmm, in my admin fs im doing it like that; and that's working.
In my Admin FS i got " if(num_hash(inputtext) == dini_Int(file, "Password")) "
Yes, presumably num_hash converts your string into an integer and compares it to an integer. dini_Int is obviously handling an integer, not a string.

Re: [HELP] Whirlpool - Wesley221 - 14.06.2011

Ah- my bad then. Ignore my post above

Re: [HELP] Whirlpool - System64 - 14.06.2011

when I use dudb that was work, but with whirlpool it doesn't I don't now why, when I type the hashed password (from the .ini file) than I can login

Re: [HELP] Whirlpool - playbox12 - 14.06.2011

Hash means, that it pulls the string you input through an algorithm -NEVER- be de-hashed (or w/e its called).

Every string you input should be unique, Whirlpool is mainly security that even if hackers manage to get in the users files, they still only have the hashed password.

To get to the point; in your login system, you need to hash the users password, and compare that with the hashed password from when they registerd.