help | again in mysql - Printable Version
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help | again in mysql -
EviLpRo - 12.06.2011
hello !
I have a small problem in MySql.
The problem is this:
Registered player enters the server it shows him he has to connect,
But even if the player is not registered to the server, it shows him to connect instead of break.
Here's the code:
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
format(String,256,"SELECT COUNT * FROM Users WHERE Nick='%s'",GetName(playerid));
if(mysql_num_rows() == 0)
format(String,256,"{ffffff}.Proffesional DeathMeath бшек дба мщшъ \n .айрк шщен мотшлъ, тм оръ мдшщн емдреъ одоег лод щйеъш дрк цшйк мдшщн \n.тм оръ мдшщн длрс аъ сйсоък:",GetName(playerid),GetHColor(c_yellow));
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,RegDialog,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"\t\t\t\t{ffffff}дшщод мщшъ",String,"дшщн","");
LoginsErrors[playerid] = 0;
format(String,256,"{ffffff}/Proffesional DeathMatch бшек дба мщшъ \n .щн дощъощ мк шщен, ард дъзбш мотшлъ ббчщд",GetName(playerid),GetHColor(c_yellow));
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,LogDialog,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"\t\t\t\t{ffffff}дъзбшеъ мщшъ",String,"дъзбш","");
return 1;
Thanks in advance helpers (:
Re: help | again in mysql -
Jean_Pierre - 12.06.2011
The problem here is, that this is supposed to be in "Scripting Discussions" As its not an client problem. So it has nothing to do with "Client Support"