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Thoughts on / Official chat thread! - linuxthefish - 09.06.2011

What do you think about samp4free? Is this a scam? Is this some sort of joke? I've had a look at there website, and it looks professional enough.

Re: Thoughts on - Miguel - 09.06.2011

I'm just wondering why it doesn't ask for an username at registration; yet it asks for for the username when you try to log in. I smell password hax...

Re : Thoughts on - sasuke78200 - 09.06.2011

Look on your mail inbox ^^

Re: Thoughts on - Calgon - 09.06.2011

Whatever it is, it looks horrible.

Re: Thoughts on - Hiddos - 09.06.2011

I'm pretty sure it's fake, no one's going to offer free servers to 12 yo kids.

Edit: True.

Re : Thoughts on - sasuke78200 - 09.06.2011

It's not a fake ^^

Re: Thoughts on - Mike Garber - 09.06.2011

I don't know why it would be fake - but i don't know why they are doing this.
Maybe it is an upcoming server hosting company, that does this as beta-testing of their servers?

I don't know, but anything that is for free - no ToS, and no time limit specified obviously has no guarantees,
and no business offering everything for free will live long (unless, as i said, it is for a limited time as beta-test).

Re: Thoughts on - woot - 09.06.2011

Hi, the service is owned by me, and is mainly made for "those people" which are unable to buy/afford hosts or just want to try out scripts.
Servers/panels which haven't been logged into for five days will be removed to prevent server overload. I actually wanted to avoid public advertising, but we just had so many requests (maybe due to this thread?) that we ran out of resources and I disabled new requests for now.

Re: Thoughts on - Mike Garber - 09.06.2011

Originally Posted by exora
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Hi, the service is owned by me, and is mainly made for "those people" which are unable to buy/afford hosts or just want to try out scripts.
Servers/panels which haven't been logged into for five days will be removed to prevent server overload. I actually wanted to avoid public advertising, but we just had so many requests (maybe due to this thread?) that we ran out of resources and I disabled new requests for now.
I would like to know more how you would keep it unknown by most people when you're offering something for free?

Re: Thoughts on - linuxthefish - 09.06.2011

It dosn't look very secure...

Re: Thoughts on - CJ101 - 09.06.2011

It might not be fake, but always remember - quality is always better when you put the money into something. Because they are free, the support wont be the same as when you buy a server. Also, with it being free, i doubt they have really good specs.

Re : Thoughts on - sasuke78200 - 09.06.2011

I have a question, why i can't connect to the ftp server ?

Re: Thoughts on - linuxthefish - 09.06.2011

FTP works for me. Use the username they send you in a email, and your password you registered with.

Re: Thoughts on - woot - 09.06.2011

Correct, we do not use top notch hardware and do not mention that anywhere, and true, we do not offer any kind of support except for issues to samp4free. Obviously you can't expect that for $0.00! Please direct technical issues (not related to your server!) to the given Email address in the panel.

Re: Thoughts on - SlashPT - 09.06.2011

well the FTP doesn't works for me either...

Re: Thoughts on - [KO]KillerThriller - 09.06.2011

Everything works fine for me.

Re : Thoughts on - sasuke78200 - 09.06.2011

I use filezilla, and it doestn't work

Re: Thoughts on - Mauzen - 09.06.2011

My first impression was sceptic, but then i saw exora is already here for a while. Scamming kids usually loose the interest for samp within a year max.
So I would give him a try, if you only upload well protected scripts you are quite safe.

Nice to see other people beeing not as selfish as the most people here in the forum, thanks for that.

Re: Thoughts on - linuxthefish - 09.06.2011

To whoever created this: You might want to improve on security.

Re: Thoughts on - Mr187 - 10.06.2011


We encourage you to only upload your compiled source of your gamemode.

Doesn't seem like they want anything.