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[Tool/Web/Other] Creative Webkit 3 (UPDATED 10-09-2011) Content Management System (Website system) for php developers - Printable Version

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Creative Webkit 3 (UPDATED 10-09-2011) Content Management System (Website system) for php developers - gamer931215 - 08.06.2011

Creative Webkit 3.0 Final
What is a Creative Webkit ?
Creative Webkit is a CMS(Content Management System) created for beginning php developers. Because the coding of CW is so simple, it is very easy to modify and customize it yourself! You can write plugins for it, extend the classes with extra functions, theres just a lot you can do with it!

What is a CMS ?
An CMS (Content Management System) is a software system that you can use to control/edit your website.
Populair CMS systems are Drupal,Joomla,Wordpress etc
You can just install them via an installation wizard to install the database, and you can make your
own website without requiring any skills of php/html!

Creative Webkit features
- use your own templates (multi-template support!)
- Easy-to-use Control Panel
- 3 default templates to start with
- Easy-to-use article system (placing multiple items on a page)
- Customizable pages (allowing you to use iframes/redirects)

How to add my own template ?
- Menuitems MUST be classes in the css, and they must be called as:
.menuitem (normal menuitem)
.menuitem_current (current menuitem).
The subitems will become "ul" items
Copy/Paste these css classes:
PHP код:

- Your CSS MUST always be called from the index.php path, so:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="themes/yourstyle/style.css" />

same with javascripts/etc

Gamer931215 ( for scripting the CMS

Opensource content used:
TinyMCE (javascript content editor)
A few fonts for the layouts from

Download (located at Other apps)

Re: Creative Webkit (Official gCMS2) Content Management System (Website system) for php developers - HyperZ - 08.06.2011

Awesome.. Downloading .

Re: Creative Webkit (Official gCMS2) Content Management System (Website system) for php developers - SkizzoTrick - 08.06.2011

God man.
This looks just awsome !Im really impressed.
Good job .

Re: Creative Webkit (Official gCMS2) Content Management System (Website system) for php developers - -matt- - 08.06.2011

Nice Gamer.


Im So Getting it

Re: Creative Webkit (Official gCMS2) Content Management System (Website system) for php developers - Calgon - 08.06.2011

Two months: wasted.

Sorry to potentially sound rude - but anyone who uses a CMS would rather use something a lot more commercial in comparison to something some SA-MP player made, especially one who isn't too reputable. As well as the fact that your CMS isn't useful to hardly anyone in SA-MP, it's like releasing Spotify in SA-MP.

Re: Creative Webkit (Official gCMS2) Content Management System (Website system) for php developers - BASITJALIL - 09.06.2011

Awwwwwwwwww Thanks for releasing it Gamer

Re: Creative Webkit (Official gCMS2) Content Management System (Website system) for php developers - gamer931215 - 09.06.2011

Originally Posted by Calg00ne
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Two months: wasted.
Who said i created this for the SA-MP community ? i actually created it for myself so i can easily make websites for other people (im also using it for my own website, and for a school project). I didnt know it was forbidden to share non-samp related content ? It can be usefull for some people to make there website/blogs/stuff, but also for SAMP server related websites. Its very easily to create a SA-MP website layout and import it in the CMS.

The main reason i made it was for my own website, and that i can use a basic CMS if i need to make a website for someone (saves me some work), i put a lot of hard work in it and worked 2 months on it. I tought it was a good idea to share it with the community so other people can use/learn from it too but it seems like i was wrong... so what do you preffer then, freewebs ?

Re: Creative Webkit (Official gCMS2) Content Management System (Website system) for php developers - Calgon - 09.06.2011

Originally Posted by gamer931215
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Who said i created this for the SA-MP community ? i actually created it for myself so i can easily make websites for other people (im also using it for my own website, and for a school project). I didnt know it was forbidden to share non-samp related content ? It can be usefull for some people to make there website/blogs/stuff, but also for SAMP server related websites. Its very easily to create a SA-MP website layout and import it in the CMS.

The main reason i made it was for my own website, and that i can use a basic CMS if i need to make a website for someone (saves me some work), i put a lot of hard work in it and worked 2 months on it. I tought it was a good idea to share it with the community so other people can use/learn from it too but it seems like i was wrong... so what do you preffer then, freewebs ?
Nobody said it was forbidden - I'm just pointing out, there is hardly any point in releasing something relatively useless. This hardly relates to anything on the SA-MP forum, so hardly anyone will find it useful - and the code isn't that good in comparison to other popular CMS alternatives.

Furthermore, I am proficient in web development - almost everything I use, I make myself.

Re: Creative Webkit (Official gCMS2) Content Management System (Website system) for php developers - ca2k - 09.06.2011

Calgone is right in here. There is so many other, far more advanced CMS systems. Its like your other project, the recaptcha-a-like verification code.

I like your work, but you should think what you develop. Perhaps creating UCP, as dynamic as possible, including PayPal API, would be alot more useful.

Dont get out of your skin for those comments, its not flame, its attempt to show you directions.

Re: Creative Webkit (Official gCMS2) Content Management System (Website system) for php developers - royal_king - 09.06.2011


Re: Creative Webkit (Official gCMS2) Content Management System (Website system) for php developers - Calgon - 09.06.2011

Originally Posted by Chewing_Gum
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Calgone is right in here. There is so many other, far more advanced CMS systems. Its like your other project, the recaptcha-a-like verification code.

I like your work, but you should think what you develop. Perhaps creating UCP, as dynamic as possible, including PayPal API, would be alot more useful.

Dont get out of your skin for those comments, its not flame, its attempt to show you directions.
Yeah, that's basically what I meant - I just tend to inadvertently be as rude as I can be.

Re: Creative Webkit (Official gCMS2) Content Management System (Website system) for php developers - gamer931215 - 11.06.2011

For everyone whos using CW, please DOWNLOAD the securitypatch!
A CW site got hacked yesterday, and after some research i noticed i forgot to escape a very important value (which im not going to call here to prevent any old versions will get hacked as well).

Re: Creative Webkit (Official gCMS2) Content Management System (Website system) for php developers - DhaniMaximus - 19.07.2011

why i cant download ...

this link dead ?

Re: Creative Webkit (Official gCMS2) Content Management System (Website system) for php developers - Rock_Ro - 19.08.2011


Re: Creative Webkit (Official gCMS2) Content Management System (Website system) for php developers - gamer931215 - 10.09.2011

New version!

Removed a lot of crap which was bugged, rescripted the whole thing in just 2 classes and added some extra features!

If you find any bugs, let me know!

Re: Creative Webkit 3 (UPDATED 10-09-2011) Content Management System (Website system) for php developers - Aldo. - 10.09.2011

Awesome software you created here Rep+ for you sir

Re: Creative Webkit (Official gCMS2) Content Management System (Website system) for php developers - skaTim - 11.09.2011

Good job!

Originally Posted by ca2k
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I like your work, but you should think what you develop. Perhaps creating UCP, as dynamic as possible, including PayPal API, would be alot more useful.
It would be great!

Re: Creative Webkit 3 (UPDATED 10-09-2011) Content Management System (Website system) for php developers - Kaperstone - 11.09.2011

its saving alot of time

Re : Creative Webkit 3 (UPDATED 10-09-2011) Content Management System (Website system) for php developers - clanshac - 31.01.2013

Link Down ?

Re: Creative Webkit 3 (UPDATED 10-09-2011) Content Management System (Website system) for php developers - MadafakaPro - 16.04.2013

link down?