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Updating my scripts recommendations? - Printable Version

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Updating my scripts recommendations? - PGTips - 08.06.2011

hey im updating my scripts can you recommend the best and fastest ways to reduce cpu useage and time to save files heres what i use if theressomthing better recommend it so i can learn it

Strtok - replace with....

Y_INI - replace with.....

and ill up date just those for now can you guys recommend things

Re: Updating my scripts recommendations? - tbedy - 08.06.2011

strtok replace with y_command

y_ini replace with nothing or dFile

AW: Updating my scripts recommendations? - PGTips - 08.06.2011

ok cool im going to dowload y_command now and im going to look at some tutorials and thanks

Re: Updating my scripts recommendations? - xir - 08.06.2011

strtok = sscanf.
Saving user files = a SQL database or y_ini
For commands: y_commands or zcmd.