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Need Scripter, Offering $$$ - Printable Version

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Need Scripter, Offering $$$ - [DK]Dark_Knight - 07.06.2011

Hey guys,

I have a half Built script, and i want it finished.
I am willing to pay money, the quicker you finish the better.
Its a simple Money Grub Script with extra features.

All code must be your own
As you make the script i want to be able to test it each step of the way.
At the end, I will give you the money then you send me the .pwn
You fix any bugs that the code may have.


Re: Need Scripter, Offering $$$ - Robert_Crawford - 07.06.2011

I need one too

Re: Need Scripter, Offering $$$ - Lorenc_ - 07.06.2011

Contact me on MSN: (Private Msged)

Re: Need Scripter, Offering $$$ - Iphone1234g - 07.06.2011

i dont need wait for other

Re: Need Scripter, Offering $$$ - PrawkC - 07.06.2011

If you still need some one, PM me the amount you'd pay.

Re: Need Scripter, Offering $$$ - [DK]Dark_Knight - 08.06.2011

Hey, still looking for an experienced scripter, that knows how to use INI writers