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how to host server? - Printable Version

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how to host server? - shanu80 - 06.06.2011

i readed tutrials but i cant do port forward coz i m not using lan or wirless network i m using MBlaze USB Brodband Modem there is any way to host it

Re: how to host server? - Mauzen - 06.06.2011

Modems got no built-in firewall mostly, so you just have to open the ports on your windows/software firewall. Maybe you also have to set it up in your config tool for the modem.

Re: how to host server? - shanu80 - 06.06.2011

how can u help me plz

Re: how to host server? - Mauzen - 06.06.2011

Just try it, it cant be that hard. I cant help you as I have no idea what firewall/modem software you are running.

Re: how to host server? - shanu80 - 06.06.2011

where is it where is firewall/modem email me plz or post it here plz

Re: how to host server? - shanu80 - 06.06.2011

u want my modem info?

Re: how to host server? - linuxthefish - 06.06.2011

That would be helpful. Just try running your server, and post the IP.

Re: how to host server? - shanu80 - 06.06.2011 its my ip and my samp_server.exe is running what now guys

Re: how to host server? - Skidmarks - 08.06.2011

Facepalm... Forward ports in your Firewall. then run the samp server running a script. its easy, although. why not get a host where all this is done for you. and you just fire it up lol? Dedicated hosts ftw <3 lol