[A51] Search And Destroy. [LINK ADDED] -
iGetty - 06.06.2011
[A51] Search And Destroy.
Well, I have been scripting on this over the weeks, but I only managed to fit in like, 2 hours of work altogether, and I came up with this game mode, because I haven't seen one around.
It is a custom mapped area, and it is based upon the area 51 section of the map.
The game mode itself is based on timers, and text draws, it has a lot of text draws on it, for the things involved in it, there is a countdown timer for when somebody plants the bomb, it counts down from 30, to 0, and when it hits 0, there is an explosion, and then after 3 seconds or so, the players will be set to re-spawn.
There is two teams, Army and Gang, there is 2 cars for each gang, for the army, there is 2 patriots, and for the gang, it is 2 burritos.
There is NO admin system in this, so I am sorry to tell you, either use the RCON, or use a different filterscript for it.
All that I ask you is, if you find any bugs, or want anything adding, I will see if I can do it, and think about it,
Enjoy, and please, keep all credits to me! Except, Incognito's for the streamer.
Thank you all for looking here, enjoy it.
[OLD]Version 1.1 - 4Shared.com
[OLD]Version 1.2 - 4Shared.com (Untested)
[OLD]Version 1.3 - 4Shared.com
[OLD]Version 1.4 - 4Shared.com
[CURRENT]Version 1.5 - 4Shared.com
None so far.
Added a register/login system.
Added random messages.
Changed a lot of things in the script, involving /rules, turned into dialog form.
Added a new thing onto OnPlayerSpawn, that welcomes people to the server.
OnPlayerConnect for logging in there is a moving camera, with your character infront of it, at all times.
Added 2 admin commands (/kick and /ban).
Changed the login/register system!
Corrected grammatical errors.
Tested and fixed some errors.
Tested the Admin commands, and fixed them.
Hashed the passwords of the accounts.
Added a "Score" saving variable.
Added a /slap command, for admins (not tested).
Added an NPC called "mynpc" - A Rhino shooting in a random place, for a war effect.
Added an NPC called "AK" - A character shooting in a random place, for more war effects.
Added an NPC called "Heli" - A Hunter flying over the top of the area, for more real effects.
Added an NPC called "Shooting" - A character shooting on a hill (Can't get to it without hacks/fsdebud FS), for a more real effect.
Uploaded the FULL server files.
Added Spawn Protection (works)
Added a top 5 player system (works)
Added a PM system. (works)
Removed the NPC's, and added CreateExplosion's, without damage, unless you are hacking to get to them, and they can be heard from ground level. (works)
Added a /explode command, for admin level 1's. (works)
Added a /ah command, for admin help. (works)
Added a /makeadmin command, for level 3+ admins. (works)
Added a /fireadmin command, for level 3+ admins. (works)
Added a /commands command, for all players usage. (works)
Added a /htop5 command, for all players usage. (works)
Added a /top5 command, for all players usage. (works)
Added a /pm command, for all players usage. (works)
Added a /r(eply) command, for all players usage. (works)
Added a /togglepm command, for all players usage. (works)
NOTE(important): If you are compiling the GM, and get an error, then please, look in the .rar file, for a text document called "strtok" and add it to the bottom of the script.
(Please remember to create a file in the scriptfiles folder, called Users, and inside that, a file called, Settings, or it will not work!)
Please let me know more things to be added.
Re: [A51] Search And Destroy. -
Kitten - 06.06.2011
nice gamemode
also some textdraws arent yours copied and pasted.
pawn Code:
Text:ArmyO, Text:TerroristO;
Re: [A51] Search And Destroy. -
iGetty - 06.06.2011
Ah yes, sorry, just that little bit!, Thanks for that

Re: [A51] Search And Destroy. -
iGetty - 07.06.2011
Re: [A51] Search And Destroy. -
BASITJALIL - 07.06.2011
Nice work
Re: [A51] Search And Destroy. -
oNe_87 - 07.06.2011
Re: [A51] Search And Destroy. -
iGetty - 07.06.2011
Originally Posted by BASITJALIL
Nice work
Thank you!
Originally Posted by oNe_87
Thank you!
If anyone has any suggestions, or things I could add, please let me know!
Re: [A51] Search And Destroy. -
Markx - 07.06.2011
Fuck sake, thats was my idea D:
Anyway nice.
Re: [A51] Search And Destroy. -
Jason010 - 07.06.2011
Nice man
Re: [A51] Search And Destroy. -
SupremeCommander - 09.12.2011
Originally Posted by Kitten
nice gamemode
also some textdraws arent yours copied and pasted.
pawn Code:
Text:ArmyO, Text:TerroristO;
Little bit of copy pasting is allowed.. Well, If he didn't cloned it whole...
Originally Posted by vincee
He stole this script.