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File saving help. - Printable Version

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File saving help. - serj009 - 11.02.2008

[color=red]Ok, i made this code.
What i want it to do is when i person types / commands [/saveh] Thier Name, coords(X, Y, Z), and Interior ID will be saved in a line in Playerh.txt

And then i want it to read the file everytime a player spawns and get that certain player to spawn to the coords and Interior that were saved under the players name in the file. When i tried to add this to my main script i got countless errors and warnings, i tried my best to solve as much as i can but i failed horribly.

Can anyone please look at this and tell me how i can get this working properly, i REALLY need someones help on this.

Here is is.

What i hae on top.
new Xsave;
new Ysave;
new Zsave;
new IntIDsave;
#define FILE_NAME "Playerh.txt" // The name of the file
new File:ghouse; // The file
new string[256];
new pname[24];
new str[256];

public fcreate(filename[]) {
	if (fexist(filename)){return false;}
	new File:fhandle = fopen(filename,io_write);
	return true;

public fdeleteline(filename[], line[]){
		new temp[256];
		new File:fhandle = fopen(filename,io_read);
		if(strfind(temp,line,true)==-1){return 0;}
			for(new i=0;i<strlen(temp);i++){
				new templine[256];
					fhandle = fopen(filename,io_write);
					return 1;
	return 0;
The functions
SaveHouse(playerid, X, Y, Z)
new string[256];
new Float: pname, Float:X, Float:Z, Float:Y, Float:IntID;
  gstats=fopen(FILE_NAME, io_append);
  GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, 24);
  GetPlayerPos(playerid, X, Y, Z);
  format(str, 256, "Name: %s X:%d Y:%d Z:%d IntID:%d\n\r",pname, X, Y, Z, GetPlayerInterior(playerid));

  if(!ghouse)// Our check
  while(fread(ghouse, string))
    if(strcmp(string, pname, false, strlen(pname))==0)
    { // To check if the players name is in the file
      fdeleteline(FILE_NAME, string); // delete the line
      fwrite(ghouse, str); // write the string
  else if(strcmp(string, pname, false, strlen(pname))!=0) { // Its NOT true
  fwrite(ghouse, str);

ReadStats(playerid) {
 ghouse=fopen(FILE_NAME, io_read);
 GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, 24);
 while(fread(ghouse, string)) {
 if(strcmp(str, pname, false, strlen(pname))==0) {
  Xsave[playerid]=GetVal(1, str);
  Ysave[playerid]=GetVal(2, str);
  Zsave[playerid]=GetVal(3, str);
  IntIDsave[playerid]=GetVal(4, str);

SetPlayerPos(playerid, Xsave[playerid], Ysave[playerid], Zsave[playerid]);
SetPlayerInterior(playerid, IntIDsave[playerid]);

Re: File saving help. - [FTW]Spitfire757 - 04.02.2009

If you post the errors it will be easy for someone to spot what's wrong.

EDIT: Ooooops, only just looked at date of post XD

Re: File saving help. - Badger(new) - 04.02.2009

hahaha one year ago nearly