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Could you help me with a script :) - Printable Version

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Could you help me with a script :) - OoAMoO - 04.06.2011

I want to make a script that when you enter a command like /setlocation a menu comes up with a list of locations and you pick which one and then its appears in your radar then when you fly to the location you get an ammount of money

Can you help me with this?

Re: Could you help me with a script :) - xalith - 04.06.2011

its easy, you could do it on your own. everything you need is on the wiki,
you'll need to do the menu
then when a player chooses one create a map icon for him/her

then use a timer to check if the player reached the point:
DOWNLOAD UF.INC and use GetPlayerDistanceToPoint

and last but not least, GivePlayerMoney and RemovePlayerMapIcon and KillTimer. i think thats all

EDIT: and if you want to know if he flew to the point instead of drove use IsPlayerInPlane (which can be found in as well),

Re: Could you help me with a script :) - OoAMoO - 04.06.2011

Thank you so much (wish me luck lol) gonna check it out and see what happens

Re: Could you help me with a script :) - AlternativeDC - 04.06.2011

Originally Posted by xalith
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its easy, you could do it on your own. everything you need is on the wiki,
you'll need to do the menu
then when a player chooses one create a map icon for him/her

then use a timer to check if the player reached the point:
DOWNLOAD UF.INC and use GetPlayerDistanceToPoint

and last but not least, GivePlayerMoney and RemovePlayerMapIcon and KillTimer. i think thats all

EDIT: and if you want to know if he flew to the point instead of drove use IsPlayerInPlane (which can be found in as well),
Great man i will create this for my server WoW AMAZING HELPFULL!

Re: Could you help me with a script :) - OoAMoO - 04.06.2011

Originally Posted by AlternativeDC
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Great man i will create this for my server WoW AMAZING HELPFULL!
Isn't it just!

Re: Could you help me with a script :) - OoAMoO - 04.06.2011

"then when a player chooses one create a map icon for him/her"

How do I add that to:

// Test menu functionality filterscipt
#include <a_samp>
new Menu:TestMenu;
new TestMenuStrings[6][16] = {"Test1", "Test2", "Test3", "Test4", "Test5", "Test6"};
HandleTestMenuSelection(playerid, row)
	new s[256];
	if(row < TEST_MENU_ITEMS) {
		format(s,256,"You selected item %s",TestMenuStrings[row]);
	TestMenu = CreateMenu("Test Menu", 1, 200.0, 150.0, 200.0, 200.0);
	for(new x=0; x < TEST_MENU_ITEMS; x++) {
    	        AddMenuItem(TestMenu, 0, TestMenuStrings[x]);
public OnFilterScriptInit()
public OnPlayerSelectedMenuRow(playerid, row)
        new Menu:PlayerMenu = GetPlayerMenu(playerid);
        if(PlayerMenu == TestMenu) {
	     HandleTestMenuSelection(playerid, row);
public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
	if(!strcmp(cmdtext, "/menutest", true))	{
    	     ShowMenuForPlayer(TestMenu, playerid);
    	     return 1;
	return 0;

Re: Could you help me with a script :) - xalith - 04.06.2011

hmm you know what, using a dialog is much easier than a menu, here's a link,

after you create the dialog use this ,
pawn Код:
public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])
    if(dialogid == DIALOGID) //use the ID of the dialog you created,
            if(listitem == 0)  && IsPlayerInPlane(playerid) // so only people in planes can use this
 //you also need to put the timer here