its easy, you could do it on your own. everything you need is on the wiki,
you'll need to do the menu then when a player chooses one create a map icon for him/her then use a timer to check if the player reached the point: DOWNLOAD UF.INC and use GetPlayerDistanceToPoint and last but not least, GivePlayerMoney and RemovePlayerMapIcon and KillTimer. i think thats all EDIT: and if you want to know if he flew to the point instead of drove use IsPlayerInPlane (which can be found in as well), |
Great man i will create this for my server WoW AMAZING HELPFULL!
Yeap |
// Test menu functionality filterscipt #include <a_samp> #define TEST_MENU_ITEMS 6 new Menu:TestMenu; new TestMenuStrings[6][16] = {"Test1", "Test2", "Test3", "Test4", "Test5", "Test6"}; HandleTestMenuSelection(playerid, row) { new s[256]; if(row < TEST_MENU_ITEMS) { format(s,256,"You selected item %s",TestMenuStrings[row]); SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFFFFFFFF,s); } } InitTestMenu() { TestMenu = CreateMenu("Test Menu", 1, 200.0, 150.0, 200.0, 200.0); for(new x=0; x < TEST_MENU_ITEMS; x++) { AddMenuItem(TestMenu, 0, TestMenuStrings[x]); } } public OnFilterScriptInit() { InitTestMenu(); } public OnPlayerSelectedMenuRow(playerid, row) { new Menu:PlayerMenu = GetPlayerMenu(playerid); if(PlayerMenu == TestMenu) { HandleTestMenuSelection(playerid, row); } } public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[]) { if(!strcmp(cmdtext, "/menutest", true)) { ShowMenuForPlayer(TestMenu, playerid); return 1; } return 0; }
public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])
if(dialogid == DIALOGID) //use the ID of the dialog you created,
if(listitem == 0) && IsPlayerInPlane(playerid) // so only people in planes can use this
//you also need to put the timer here