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Windows 8 - Fukumuku - 02.06.2011

[ame=""]Windows 8[/ame]

Re: Windows 8 - Fukumuku - 02.06.2011

and look at my current Desktop, fediaFedia predicted it

Re: Windows 8 - Jay. - 02.06.2011

Originally Posted by Fukumuku
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and look at my current Desktop, fediaFedia predicted it
next time edit

and it looks good.

Re: Windows 8 - iFriSki - 02.06.2011

No way will I switch to that. That looks like a nuisance if anything. Touch screens for an entire monitor is one of the most annoying things I've ever done. Moving your arm 17 inches left and right constantly really wears on the shoulder after awhile.

I'm writing this as I'm watching, but they should keep things like that designed specifically for phones/tablets. I only switched to Windows 7 so I could use my Adobe CS5 master suite. Not to mention, Windows 7 is setup with a dual boot with XP Pro 64x.

Re: Windows 8 - Ravia_Devaia - 02.06.2011

I really don't hope Windows will be this retarded.... If they continue this way, gudbai Microsoft...

I feel that Microsoft are really f*cking themself now... I mean, I really hate the Windows 7 superbar, and now this?

Re: Windows 8 - Fukumuku - 02.06.2011

gah... you don't get it. there will be aero for desktops + WindowsPhone7 stuff for tablets

Re: Windows 8 - iFriSki - 02.06.2011

Ravia, I'm assuming their target on the people are the ones who buy Android/iPad tablets. Maybe they feel as if those devices were expanded into an entire computer they would be extremely hip?

And no Fuku, that entire app. system is designed for desktop computers with touch screens. Sure you can switch back to what you're use to, but it switches back to app. mode from what the video explains.

Re: Windows 8 - CJ101 - 02.06.2011

Looks awesome. Dont look like a pc tho, looks more like a phone or a tablet.

Re: Windows 8 - saiberfun - 02.06.2011

Originally Posted by cj101
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Looks awesome. Dont look like a pc tho, looks more like a phone or a tablet.
looks like shit

Windows for me is for gaming and not having such stupid glamour stuff like Apple.
Yet Mac OS I think really is good for working.

Re: Windows 8 - Ravia_Devaia - 02.06.2011

Originally Posted by iFriSki
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Ravia, I'm assuming their target on the people are the ones who buy Android/iPad tablets. Maybe they feel as if those devices were expanded into an entire computer they would be extremely hip?
But still they have the leading in desktop computer system, why ruin it?