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[FREAKING COOL] Ernie's Script Ideas + Questions - Printable Version

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[FREAKING COOL] Ernie's Script Ideas + Questions - ernie - 31.05.2011

Hey everyone,

I've got a few ideas of scripts that could be made. Dont know if they're possible but they would be cool all the same. Feel free to use my ideas, But it would be nice if you let me know, and release so everyone else can learn from what you've done. If you like any of these, please leave some feedback. Thanks.

1. NPC "Blood Diamond" Truck and Really Bad-ass Gang.

Inspired by the aforementioned movie, i Thought it would be cool to have a pickup truck that drives around and tries to shoot people. It could have gangsters in the back for example who just shoot anyone who gets near them. They could all wear the same skin and walk around, with this pickup truck driving around their area shooting anyone whos in range. Players would have to get in cover and wait til the pickup truck past or the Gang member walked past.

- This would be a really fun addition to any gamemode and could be easily expanded into so many uses, such as trying to break into a building that is protected by these NPC fighters, Paying for an NPC security guard for your Gang HQ or turning them into little minigames/ mini-missions. Combined with killable NPC's this would be one awesome addition to the game.

2. Home-made Interior "Windows"

I've been trying to make a few interiors for some houses and vehicles lately, however one thing thats put me off (especially in vehicles) is windows. I know this sounds crazy, But it would be cool if you could set-up "Windows" as objects in your interiors. These are obviously objects that look like windows, but show whats outside in the actual vehicle.

Using the San Fierro tram as example, You could make a teleport to an interior for all passengers, then have the windows reflect what the tram is actually driving past in San Fierro. Almost like a camera. =] I imagine it would be tricky but possible.

3. Employable NPC's

An extension from Idea numero uno, You could have NPC's that you can hire to do particular jobs, ie. Drive around your gang car around your turf and act as transport and a hit and run rescue vehicle for your gang members. You could pay NPC's to take out hits on players. (How cool would that be)

4. Choose-your-location NPC's

Especially for taxi's, there should be a dialog menu where you can choose your location, Instead of just jumping out on one particular route. This shouldn't be too hard, with each dialog selecting a different recording, However you would need multiple recordings.


Recording a kazillion NPC files is annoying and can be quite unsatisfying for players. This is definatley an update that should be included in the next SA-MP update if it is impossible to do it in 0.3C. Have a predefined road area that NPC's can use. Ive always imagined this is how Rockstar did it in the original game, they just mapped out the drivable areas and implemented "Road Rules" into the npc drivers.

You could have a command that selects the whole road red and you just drive along all roads NPC's are allowed to use. There is so much more to this idea such as what vehicles can use what roads, what to do on a collision. (Get out and start swearing, request for insurance haha) You could also code how the driver reacts and even over taking etc. This would be extremely difficult, but rockstar did it. So its possible somehow.

6. An extension from idea 5, NPC FORCES

It's cool if your on a roleplay server and you just murder 18 people at the spawn point and all the player-cops come after you, but what happens if no cops are online. Auto-jail on kill commands suck and so does "You'll be busted when a cop is online" notifications. Make it so that Cops, can use all of the NPC mapped roads to reach you and if they bump into you or a cop jumps out and catches you, you get busted. Like in real GTA. This would make it so much easier to "control" a server, and you could add so much to this idea. Such as what you get jailed for and how long, but also corrupt cops etc. There could be a court with a judge who determines how bad your crime is and relates this to jail time. Wanted stars etc. Could be added in, With players with a single wanted star getting little attention, and 18-player mass-murdering psychos getting full attention, with players of the same wanted level being chased depending on how close they are to the cop/ cop vehicle. There could be roaming cops that are used to report incidents, and a /911 command to report it by players.

7. Natural Disasters.

Influenced by a freak accident on my server, It's always fun when your running around and an andromada plummets into you from out of the sky. This could be used as a fun command for admins to abuse their players, or a freak accident to spice up gameplay and boring sessions of the game. Could use most populated area type functions, to cause max kills per $40 million dollar plane lol.

If you like any of these ideas, please leave some feedback. I'll post some more if any spring to mind, And if you have a really cool idea and want it on this list please let me know.

Re: [FREAKING COOL] Ernie's Script Ideas + Questions - ernie - 01.06.2011

Any Feedback? Bump.

Re: [FREAKING COOL] Ernie's Script Ideas + Questions - Macluawn - 01.06.2011

They are possible, but quite hard to create.

Re: [FREAKING COOL] Ernie's Script Ideas + Questions - ernie - 28.06.2011

Ok, Thanks for the reply Macluawn.