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[Tool/Web/Other] Godfather Usercontrolpanel - Printable Version

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Godfather Usercontrolpanel - Tion - 30.05.2011

Wuh, first panik where I should post it Oo

Godfather Usercontrolpanel

This is a new-er ( and translatet ! ) version of my Godfather User Controlpanel, I codet with DarthXela

Well I'm really tired ( I'm always tired :P ), so you will get a translatet version written by darth:


Good day dear Bread Fish community
some of you may already have seen the 5-Data Control Panel of Transportation, or even used.
It is a flexible and convenient user control panel for the Godfather game mode on, use the very many. The UCP offers the possibility to login as a user and to then look at his statistics and server status.
As an admin, there is also a practical update function for the User Control Panel. I hereby publish the successor of the 5-Data-Control Panel.

Why do we publish the CP again? The reason for the new post of the Control Panel is the name change, which I will explain later, and yours truly a result of participation in the project. I worked on it I will also explain to detail.
What did I do? I made a new design for the user control panel.
Why a new design was made? The old design of Transportation was not soo pretty: D.
Why the name change? The name was changed because he would have been inappropriate, since there are now more than 5 files.
Why are there more files? The UCP requires more files, because the design is built up a lot more complicated than the old, and therefore of Transportation, for example, some graphics needed.
If the installation is therefore difficult and it takes longer? The installation is not difficult. The configuration options have been improved but still a little bit.
To what extent has improved the possibilities? The somewhat confusing and unnecessary settings have been removed, but have added a lot more meaningful.
What options have been added? Added the ability the slogan, that is the subtitle of the UCPs, and change the address of the forum, which will automatically link in the footer.
What to consider? Fsockopen is required. Not everyone has webspace provider. It also uses JavaScript for navigation, and for it for the server owners, nothing has to be further made. reflect the client browser has JavaScript can only.
Where can I test the UCP? The UCP can be tested under There, you've got to log in: The Admin (User name: [u_test] Password: [test]) or as a user (user name: [a_test] Password: [test]). In each case, without the brackets. The server will be simulated. Why is not Server View. Please do not change the password! If you can not log you, click above to reset passwords'. Thus, both accounts will be reset.
Are there screenshots? No, I have no screenshots uploaded, because the demonstration should replace it. Screenshots of the old 5-Data-Control Panel, for comparison, finds its here: 1 2 3 4
Where can I download the UCP? You can under the UCP [See below] to download. A Main Page of our website is already in progress.

Download here

Hope you don't hate me for this ******-translator-text


/edit: newer 2 new-er

Re: Godfather Usercontrolpanel - [GTA]AmericanGangster - 30.05.2011

nice job man congratz

3 cookies for use

Keep it up :P

Re: Godfather Usercontrolpanel - Ironboy - 30.05.2011

Good job

Re: Godfather Usercontrolpanel - Ricop522 - 30.05.2011

Awesome job man gtz

AW: Godfather Usercontrolpanel - Tion - 30.05.2011


Re: Godfather Usercontrolpanel - Speed - 30.05.2011

Some pics ?

Re: Godfather Usercontrolpanel - TheGarfield - 30.05.2011

you can post some pictures ?

and ....

more info.


Re: Godfather Usercontrolpanel - GsT - 30.05.2011

Read the entire post people... You have a demo:
Thanks for the release.

Re: Godfather Usercontrolpanel - raidon011 - 30.05.2011

Please help: 324338631 - kutyageci, what coding is this? Its Ravens coding, and thats also a GF edit! Help!

Re: Godfather Usercontrolpanel - GsT - 30.05.2011

After a few testing I fixed some bugs in the server view page (wrong variable names), but there seems to be a problem with the GF encryption:

Can you check it out?
P.S: This is what I used to show the variables on the page:
PHP код:
echo'<center><big>Wrong password!</big></center>'."\n<center><big>Password from INI on the FTP: ".$tmpPlayer['Key']." & Encrypted Password: ".$tmppass."</center></big>"
Later Edit:
Found out that there was a problem with the $pwtyp variable (description in settings != from the code) and instead of encrypting it the GF way it used MD5 (fixed that now), but there still seems to be a problem:

Anyone has an idea about this problem? Thanks.