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Create3DTextLabel - Printable Version

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Create3DTextLabel - Still not fixed - Lynn - 29.05.2011

My problem is, when I create a 3DTextLabel, and place it inside a interior, I no longer can see it.

EDIT: I made a command, which allows me to make 3D Text IG at my X, Y, Z. But, when I do it, everything but the 3D Text shows up, I get the success message, I did this outside a interior.
So no 3D Text shows at all. Rather it's inside, or out.

I know the command works proper, because I tested it on my other script, and it worked perfect.
So what could cause 3DText not to show, period?

Re: Create3DTextLabel - Ash. - 29.05.2011

How are you creating it?

Re: Create3DTextLabel - Lynn - 29.05.2011

Create3DTextLabel("Sniper\nPrice: $12,000",COLOR_GREEN, 292.8111,-106.2230,1001.5156+0.5,2.0, -1, 1);// Sniper

Re: Create3DTextLabel - BaubaS - 29.05.2011

Last parameter(1) is virtual world. Did you set your vw when you enter that int?

Re: Create3DTextLabel - Mike Garber - 29.05.2011

Originally Posted by BaubaS
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Last parameter(1) is virtual world. Did you set your vw when you enter that int?
No, the second last parameter (-1) is the virtual world, he has set it to -1 which means
it will display in all virtual worlds.
The last parameter toggles the "Line of sight" so it can't be seen through objects.

Re: Create3DTextLabel - Lynn - 29.05.2011

So any one know the problem....

Re: Create3DTextLabel - sleepysnowflake - 29.05.2011

Create3DTextLabel("Sniper\nPrice: $12,000",COLOR_GREEN, 292.8111,-106.2230,1001.5156,2.0, -1);// Sniper

Try like that .

Re: Create3DTextLabel - Lynn - 29.05.2011

Nope didn't work

Re: Create3DTextLabel - Osviux - 29.05.2011

Create3DTextLabel("Sniper\nPrice: $12,000",COLOR_GREEN, 292.8111,-106.2230,1001.5156, 10, -1, 1);

Re: Create3DTextLabel - sleepysnowflake - 29.05.2011

Can you tell me where the Label is located ?