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Fallout 3 Multiplayer - Lorenc_ - 29.05.2011

Hey guys i heard theres a Fallout 3 Multilayer called Vaulttec by Group, Its server coding is coded in PAWN which is good for us since most of us since we have pre-knowledge of PAWN. I seriously cannot wait for this mods beta to arrive, still though i wont quit samp when it comes.

Looks great anyways, anyone interested in playing this?

If you don't know what fallout is, its like the best game xD (At least to me XD)
Just search up what fallout is, to think its bad you must be mad.

EDIT: Also the client codings in C++ with RAKNET i think. The source code was released and players are recreating it.

Another preview of people continuing it.


Re: Fallout 3 Multiplayer - pagie1111 - 29.05.2011


Re: Fallout 3 Multiplayer - Lorenc_ - 29.05.2011

Erm, is that some comment trying to tease me? It's not working. Try harder.

Re: Fallout 3 Multiplayer - pagie1111 - 29.05.2011

No. Im hungover, concussed and head spinning... its cool. lol

Re: Fallout 3 Multiplayer - Lorenc_ - 29.05.2011

Originally Posted by pagie1111
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No. Im hungover, concussed and head spinning... its cool. lol
I might as well say no Trolls on my threads please and no pathetic people LAUGHING at their own jokes.

Re: Fallout 3 Multiplayer - pagie1111 - 29.05.2011

No I am serious.... its cool. DONT YOU GET THAT?

Re: Fallout 3 Multiplayer - Lorenc_ - 29.05.2011

Ahh, i thought you were trolling, forgive me..

Re: Fallout 3 Multiplayer - pagie1111 - 29.05.2011

Lol.. your forgiven..

Re: Fallout 3 Multiplayer - Mauzen - 29.05.2011

Fallout 3 multiplayer? Sounds like the best idea since fallout 2 multiplayer
Looks quite laggy, but if you consider it is still in an early dev phase it seems to have great potential. Im looking forward to play (and script) it!
Thanks for the hint, havent heard about this yet.

Re: Fallout 3 Multiplayer - Hiddos - 29.05.2011

Looks nice, now I can finally use my Fatman!