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What fight/defense sports do you know? - Printable Version

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What fight/defense sports do you know? - Kwarde - 28.05.2011

I was just wondering, which fight/defense sports do you know? - I wanna do another one (after stopped with Judo), and I wonder if there are more then I know (see list below).
I know:

* Judo
* Karate
* Kickboxing
* Systema (VIDEO:
* Krav Maga (VIDEO:
* Jiu Jitsu


Re: What fight/defense sports do you know? - Raimis_R - 28.05.2011

Muay Thai

Re: What fight/defense sports do you know? - Ruffles. - 28.05.2011

Some experience in Judo.
Tough-guy shit.

You need to learn Kung Fu (It's a GTA SA fightstyle, how could you forget it?)

Re: What fight/defense sports do you know? - saiberfun - 28.05.2011


Re: What fight/defense sports do you know? - X3nZ - 28.05.2011

The middle finger.

Re: What fight/defense sports do you know? - DirtyLilFreak - 28.05.2011

I knw the salsa,samba and chacha LOLL they all sound similar JK. I Know the most important technique anyone would love to know Ninja!
I learned it from here

It was so useful xD

Re: What fight/defense sports do you know? - JakeyBoyo - 28.05.2011

8 Years of Boxing, thats all

Re: What fight/defense sports do you know? - X3nZ - 28.05.2011


I just know the regular "Put your dukes up, Take off your jewelery, shirt and what ever you desire and starting haulin"

Re: What fight/defense sports do you know? - Code_Red - 28.05.2011

*cough*The one where Asian people scream random war shouts*cough*