[mysql] [dialog] How of command to make dialog - Printable Version
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[mysql] [dialog] How of command to make dialog -
mariomako - 20.05.2011
Script I use: My GameMode of 0
A detailed description of the problem: I have a command / and register / login, but I do not know how to do to register and login is no longer in controls than that in the dialog, I know what to do showplayerdialog as soon as the player connects but how to make it what goes under OnDialogResponse.
Part of the script:
CMD: register (playerid, params [])
if (GetPVarInt (playerid, "Logged")) return SendClientMessage (playerid, COLOR_ORANGE, "[*] You're already logged in!");
if (isnull (params)) return SendClientMessage (playerid, COLOR_ORANGE, "[*] Usage: / register [pass]");
New query [320], pName [MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
GetPlayerName (playerid, pName, MAX_PLAYER_NAME);
mysql_real_escape_string (pName, pName);
format (Query, sizeof Query "SELECT * FROM` Accounts `WHERE` Name `= '% s' LIMIT 1", pName);
mysql_query (Query);
mysql_store_result ();
if (mysql_num_rows ())
SendClientMessage (playerid, COLOR_ORANGE, "[*] An account already exists under that name! Use \" / login \ "to log in!");
mysql_free_result ();
return 1;
mysql_free_result ();
WP_Hash (Query, 129, params);
New IP [16];
GetPlayerIp (playerid, IP, 16);
format (Query, sizeof Query "INSERT INTO` accounts `(Name, Password, IP, Admin, Money, Score, Kills, Deaths) VALUES ('% s', '% s', '% s'% i, % i,% i,% i,% i) "
GetPVarInt (playerid, "Admin")
GetPlayerMoney (playerid)
GetPlayerScore (playerid)
GetPVarInt (playerid, "Kills")
GetPVarInt (playerid, "Deaths"));
mysql_query (Query);
SetPVarInt (playerid, "Logged", 1);
SendClientMessage (playerid, COLOR_LIMEGREEN, "[*] SUCCESSFULLY registered and automatically logged in!");
return 1;
CMD: login (playerid, params [])
if (GetPVarInt (playerid, "Logged")) return SendClientMessage (playerid, COLOR_ORANGE, "[*] You're already logged in!");
if (isnull (params)) return SendClientMessage (playerid, COLOR_ORANGE, "[*] Usage: / login [pass]");
New query [256], pName [MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
GetPlayerName (playerid, pName, MAX_PLAYER_NAME);
mysql_real_escape_string (pName, pName);
format (Query, sizeof Query "SELECT * FROM` Accounts `WHERE` Name `= '% s' LIMIT 1", pName);
mysql_query (Query);
mysql_store_result ();
if (mysql_num_rows ())
SendClientMessage (playerid, COLOR_ORANGE, "[*] You're not registered! Use \" register \ "to register an account!");
mysql_free_result ();
return 1;
mysql_free_result ();
WP_Hash (Query, 129, params);
format (Query, sizeof Query "SELECT * FROM` Accounts `WHERE` Name `= '% s' AND` Password `= '% s' LIMIT 1", pName, Query);
mysql_query (Query);
mysql_store_result ();
if (mysql_num_rows ())
SetPVarInt (playerid, "LoginWarns" GetPVarInt (playerid, "LoginWarns") + 1);
if (GetPVarInt (playerid, "LoginWarns") == 3)
format (Query, sizeof Query, "[*]% s has been kicked for 3 wrong login attempts", pName);
SendClientMessageToAll (COLOR_ROYALBLUE, Query);
Kick (playerid);
format (Query, sizeof Query, "[*] Wrong password! Attempt% and out of third, GetPVarInt (playerid," LoginWarns "));
SendClientMessage (playerid, COLOR_ORANGE, Query);
return 1;
mysql_num_rows (Query);
new values [5];
sscanf (Query, "p <|> {s [24] with the [129] to [16]} and <i> [5], values); / / Enjoy editing.
SetPVarInt (playerid, "Admin", values [0]);
GivePlayerMoney (playerid, values [1]);
SetPlayerScore (playerid, values [2]);
SetPVarInt (playerid, "Kills", values [3]);
SetPVarInt (playerid, "Deaths", values [4]);
mysql_free_result ();
SetPVarInt (playerid, "Logged", 1);
SendClientMessage (playerid, COLOR_LIMEGREEN, "[*] SUCCESSFULLY logged in!");
/ / IP setting
GetPlayerIp (playerid, Query, 16);
format (Query, sizeof Query, "UPDATE` Accounts `SET` ip `= '% s' WHERE` Name `= '% s' LIMIT 1", Query, pName);
mysql_query (Query);
return 1;