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HTML help! - Markx - 16.05.2011

The problem is, when i Ctrl + Scroll (on mouse) and zoom in/out, all my images fuck up, how to make them resize when someone rezooms, also that images are only for my resolution, how to fix that? Also note, thats just testing some things in HTML, that wont be my website (lol). Here are some screens:

Before (Please patience for pics to load)


Re: HTML help! - Markx - 16.05.2011


Re: HTML help! - Haxarr - 16.05.2011

Uhm. When In you're text edit ( I use dreamweaver ). You need to change the img format ( should be px ) to %. Then add auto onto it. I think, I havn't done it in a while. ;o

Re: HTML help! - saiberfun - 17.05.2011

to make this possible you need to assign percantage sizes to everything you want to resize on resolution.
because px is a fixed size and percantage is based on the resolution of the window

Re: HTML help! - Jantjuh - 17.05.2011

Are you using a web builder? maybe WYSIWYG?
If so, you could edit the properties of your content to automatically size to the screen.


Re: HTML help! - DirtyLilFreak - 17.05.2011

ok what you have to do is add a wrapper to the code. Which means you have to create a new div tag with height:auto and width to what ever width you want the site to be. Also add margin:0px auto; which will center this div. Then you will have to add this Div to the beginning like after <body> and before </body> so every thing will stay inside the div according to place and wont go any where when you zoom. Pls let me know if have any more problems

Re: HTML help! - Markx - 17.05.2011

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><script type="text/javascript">WAU_map('9l52w3o4390z', 420, 210, 'natural', 'target-red')</script>
<body background="bg_website.jpg"><div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style "> //the Background!
<a class="addthis_button_tweet"></a>
<a class="addthis_counter addthis_pill_style"></a>
</div> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
I use Adobe Dreamweaver, didnt understand how to make it, can someone show me on that?

Re: HTML help! - DirtyLilFreak - 17.05.2011

as far as I can see, I don't even see a CSS attached here and the coding looks (no offence but) horrible. :/

I suggest that if you are a starter at HTML please use tables to design webpages. CSS will be quite complicated to a html starter.

Re: HTML help! - Markx - 17.05.2011

Originally Posted by DirtyLilFreak
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as far as I can see, I don't even see a CSS attached here and the coding looks (no offence but) horrible. :/

I suggest that if you are a starter at HTML please use tables to design webpages. CSS will be quite complicated to a html starter.
Thats just a example... So you can show me there..

Re: HTML help! - DirtyLilFreak - 17.05.2011

ok all you hav to do is open up your css and add this
#wrapper {
   Margin:0px auto;
then open up your html and add these codes:

Find <body> and after that:
<div id="wrapper">
Then find </body> and add before that: