Banning IP - Printable Version
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Banning IP -
und3rcore - 14.05.2011
Hello SA-MP community, today at the server i script there was an attack by a hacker. I was wondering, how can i block his IP from the entire server even from the Master List server so he / she wont see the server "online" at all ? I'd be glad to know how to.
Also note that i am not talking about samp.ban or banning an IP from connecting to the server but blocking it completely.
All i want is to make a specific IP of the victim look at this:
and not the server online (but the server will actually be online). I've seen Next Generation Roleplay doing it so there is a way doing it.
P.S: localhost:7777 is just an example.
Re: Banning IP -
linuxthefish - 14.05.2011
Block them in your firewall, that will make the server look as though it isn't responding.
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Re: Banning IP -
und3rcore - 14.05.2011
Well i'm using Host and i just figured it out.
They have this option called IP Block, i tested it and it worked but you can't ban a whole range (e.g 255.255.*.*)
So if the victim changes IP he can still get in the server.