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Announcements in chat? - Printable Version

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Announcements in chat? - mrsamp - 12.05.2011

Want Announcements in my chat... can someone help me? Script code? Filterscript? HELP!

Re: Announcements in chat? - Cameltoe - 12.05.2011

What kind of announcement do you want?

Re: Announcements in chat? - lowrida018 - 12.05.2011

Answer = Search.

Re: Announcements in chat? - jonnyboy - 12.05.2011

dunno if its dead or something but he means like that it gives you random Announcements.

like timer is on 30 sec and the text are

pawn Код:
SendClientMessageToAll(playerid,COLOR_WHITE,"Remember to read the /rules!");
    SendClientMessageToAll(playerid,COLOR_WHITE,"Write /help for informations and more!");
    SendClientMessageToAll(playerid,COLOR_WHITE,"don't know if there any admins online? write /admins for admins");
    SendClientMessageToAll(playerid,COLOR_WHITE,"Looking for a job? write /jobs for empty jobs!");

Re: Announcements in chat? - TheYoungCapone - 12.05.2011

here you go

Re: Announcements in chat? - Mean - 12.05.2011

A simple send2all msg system, fs:
pawn Код:
#include < a_samp >

#define MESSAGE_MINUTES 1 // Show the message every 1 minute.

public OnFilterScriptInit( ) return SetTimer( "Rmsg", MESSAGE_MINUTES * 60000, 1 );

forward Rmsg( );
public Rmsg( )
    SendClientMessageToAll( COLOR, "Message1" );
    SendClientMessageToAll( COLOR, "Message2" );
    SendClientMessageToAll( COLOR, "Message3" );
    // And so on...
    return 1;