Help me! -
SmallGekasCBCNR - 08.05.2011
Ok,this what happens with me. First of all,.i had downloaded the R3-0.3C and it worked fine,no trouble,but then i wanted to un-install and it re-install it again,due to reasons. So i downloaded the R3-0.3c and i choose a server, then while it was loading,and when the loading was done, it crashed, now i tried to reinstall it again,and again,for like 6 times.but it didnt work, BUT,with the 0.3B version it works,and with the 0.3A it also works,but the server[s] that i always play on,have 0.3c. And i really want 0.3c due to the upgrades. Please,sum1 help me? i wud appreciate it, btw i have windows 7
Re: Help me! -
[SFA]SpiRRiT - 08.05.2011
If you're currently crashing on load (around 80%) and are running Windows 7 (a problem detailed further here). Then try either of these steps:
- Reinstall SA into a different directory
- Rename your current SA directory
Tested as working for me and some others, post if it works or not.
More detailed explanation -
Go into your C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games (or where ever you keep the GTA SA directory)
Add a "2" to the end of your directory name so it says, "GTA San Andreas" to "GTA San Andreas 2".
Right click your SAMP and/or GTA SA shortcut and in the "target" and "Start in" boxes, add a 2 to the end of "GTA San Andreas" again. (example - Target: "C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas 2\samp.exe")
SAMP will say it can't locate your directory and a menu will come up asking you to select the directory. Select the "GTA San Andreas 2" folder.
You should be able to play now.
Re: Help me! -
SmallGekasCBCNR - 08.05.2011
No,when the loading is finished,before the screen even shows up when the view is in LS,Santa Marina Beach,thats when it crashes.I did as u said,the GTA SA was in a folder,alone,so i moved it to Favourites, and i added a 2 AND renamed it,but it still didnt work :S....
Re: Help me! -
SmallGekasCBCNR - 09.05.2011
No wait,i looked it up and *******,saw a tutorial,did it,and instead of crashing after the loading,its now crashin at 80%
Re: Help me! -
SmallGekasCBCNR - 09.05.2011
Well now it crashes after the loading,it keeps changing,,,,wtf?Try not to forgot that i aint a computer expert,Im willing to do anything to get the samp back, ive looked at all the tutorials,from you guys to *******, and to gta forums, but everytiime i do 1 of em,they either crash at 80% or after the loading part