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People in my server crash when they go near area69 - Printable Version

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People in my server crash when they go near area69 - Shoaib - 07.05.2011

help why
i have not added no objects near
area69 even i have crashed
from /home
u goto area69 crash
fuk why!

Re: People in my server crash when they go near area69 - Lorenc_ - 07.05.2011

Does everyone or just you? Check some code, if you have anything like IsPlayerInArea or World Boundaries

Re: People in my server crash when they go near area69 - park4bmx - 07.05.2011

that also could be because of Invalid Object ID
Or too many objects created without a steamer happened to me once

Re: People in my server crash when they go near area69 - Shoaib - 07.05.2011

streamer inculded and now happening everywere
and they r getting pissed