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Few errors and warnings with a formula - Printable Version

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Few errors and warnings with a formula - nuriel8833 - 07.05.2011

Hello all
I have made this public today:
pawn Код:
forward MoneyAfter(playerid,money);

public MoneyAfter(playerid,money)
    if (!IsPlayerConnected(playerid)) { return -1.00; }
    new X =random(GetPlayerMoney(playerid));
    return floatsqroot((((acos(X)-asin(X))*((acos(X)-asin(X)))+((acos(X)+asin(X)+X)*(acos(X)-asin(X)+X))));
But I get an error and warnings:
pawn Код:
warning 235: public function lacks forward declaration (symbol "MoneyAfterRobbing")
warning 213: tag mismatch
error 001: expected token: ",", but found ";"
I am almost 100% sure the problem is with the brackets,but I tried fixing it and it still won't work
Can someone help me?