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[Critical client crash] Total Respect -1 - Printable Version

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[Critical client crash] Total Respect -1 - HP - 06.05.2011

Hello everybody.

I am a head developer of an Estonian SA-MP roleplay community. Recently they have complained that they get this "Total respect -1" notice on the top left screen. After some time it crashes.

At first I thought that it was caused because of too many objects loaded at once, but still it shouldn't crash the players client, right? I deleted all the unnecessary objects to reduce the amount of objects. It's around ~200 in all the places at the moment, but players still keep crashing.

I've brought out some crash reports in this topic.
It looks like all the players have experienced this crash in some way.

Any solutions to fix this are more than welcome.

Best regards, HP (Priit).

Re: [Critical client crash] Total Respect -1 - HP - 06.05.2011

If I can provide the developer team with any other information, please let me know.

Also, it has crashed only in a vehicle so far, cars eg. Haven't yet tested it out with motorbikes or any other vehicles, except cars at the moment.

Re: [Critical client crash] Total Respect -1 - Biesmen - 06.05.2011

I also noticed I got that warning, but that was when I got in a negative amount of money.
I never crashed though.

Re: [Critical client crash] Total Respect -1 - HP - 06.05.2011

Thank your for your reply, I'm going to check if it the negative amount of money might be the problem and post the results later.

Re: [Critical client crash] Total Respect -1 - HP - 08.05.2011

People are still crashing. One of them had the following warning also, after that SA-MP went to "Not responding..." and crashed.

Re: [Critical client crash] Total Respect -1 - WackoX - 08.05.2011

0x00000005 Has something to do with object id's.
Check your objects? and ooh yeah search, it's not a SA:MP problem.

Re: [Critical client crash] Total Respect -1 - leong124 - 09.05.2011

If WackoX is right then try to comment out some objects and see which object crash the client.
However I've also faced some object crashing problem but all of them are instant crashing.

AFAIK when total respect decreases is because your money loses a lot,
so it commonly occurs when you use gmx command.
Basically it's not related. You see that because you are seeing the server is restarting(just like gmx).

Re: [Critical client crash] Total Respect -1 - Kalcor - 09.05.2011

I've heard of a crash related to the Respect level and gang tags.

That screenshot you posted with the 0x7F0BF7, that's related to AddVehicleComponent(), like you're adding nitro to a vehicle that can't use nitro etc. Logging the OnVehicleMod callback and your calls to AddVehicleComponent() should help solve that one.

Re: [Critical client crash] Total Respect -1 - HP - 09.05.2011

Thank you for your reply, Kalcor.

We've checked the vehicle components and there were some gang tags indeed. I've removed them and will restart the server later, when nobody's In-Game. It actually started crashing when the Los Santos Vagos HQ was added, including their gang tags. We'll see how it works out and I'll post the results later.

Best regards, HP (Priit).

Re: [Critical client crash] Total Respect -1 - HP - 13.05.2011

It haven't crashed in a while. It was probably the gang tags, thank you for the information.

Best regards, HP (Priit).